04-29-2016 06:33 AM
04-29-2016 08:07 AM
04-29-2016 08:15 AM
04-29-2016 08:23 AM
04-29-2016 08:30 AM
04-29-2016 08:47 AM
Shadowmask72 said:
That's like saying there are no indie devs in current gaming because they all got squished out by the big boys. On the contrary, there's now a huge resurgence of popularity and appreciation for independently developed titles in the 2D sphere and the added bonus is indies are now churning out a lot more high quality content nowadays without losing their grass roots appeal. We need more of them to develop for VR in tandem with the big boys. The two can coexist quite comfortably despite your doomsday scenario. lol.
04-29-2016 08:47 AM
AAA games as you envision will not happen for the current generation of headsets. You're talking a 2-3 year development cycle, Vive2 on CV2 will be out by then. Early adopters (most people here, including myself) will end up paying a ton for B indie games (I've spent over $200 dollars so far?) and that's just to be expected in ground breaking tech. I understand this and still love my vive experience so far (OR June delivery for day 1 preorder).
Also, remember OR and Vive are PC based. Every AAA game I can think of has had a fairly crappy PC launch in the last year where games are almost non-functioning for the PC (batman arkham knight, Dark Souls 3, etc). So, don't hold your breath.
Lastly, it's easy for PSVR to put a list of games for their system, when they haven't even released a system? Promises and release dates are easy. I'll take a wait and see approach.
04-29-2016 09:14 AM
Pathboy said:
AAA games as you envision will not happen for the current generation of headsets. You're talking a 2-3 year development cycle, Vive2 on CV2 will be out by then. Early adopters (most people here, including myself) will end up paying a ton for B indie games (I've spent over $200 dollars so far?) and that's just to be expected in ground breaking tech. I understand this and still love my vive experience so far (OR June delivery for day 1 preorder).
Also, remember OR and Vive are PC based. Every AAA game I can think of has had a fairly crappy PC launch in the last year where games are almost non-functioning for the PC (batman arkham knight, Dark Souls 3, etc). So, don't hold your breath.
Lastly, it's easy for PSVR to put a list of games for their system, when they haven't even released a system? Promises and release dates are easy. I'll take a wait and see approach.
04-29-2016 09:25 AM
04-29-2016 09:31 AM
04-29-2016 09:58 AM
Aekero said:
I've said it before, content (or lack thereof) is the biggest threat, honestly there's only 1 game (Chronos) out of the dozen or so I purchased that I would have even considered buying if it wasn't in VR. Even the list of what's coming doesn't scream "must have!" to me (maybe No man's sky or Star Citizen but Valkyrie has been sickness inducing 😞 ). That said I'm not even done with Chronos yet, and there are a handful out there with potential, so I'm not freaking out just yet.
Even all the developers I work with couldn't believe how far VR has come, honestly I think that's part of the reason there hasn't been enough buy in. People just don't know! I'm optimistic that it will take off in a way that kinect couldn't, the potential is staggering.
On a side note, it doesn't have to be just games! If there were full length movies coming out that were similar to Lost, I would absolutely love that!