04-29-2019 12:44 PM
04-29-2019 12:50 PM
04-29-2019 01:10 PM
04-29-2019 01:31 PM
Schneider21 said:
Jesus, that article reads like the author dictated it while eating a peanut butter sandwich laced with Adderall. Does no one take time to proof read anymore?
04-29-2019 02:24 PM
04-30-2019 04:35 AM
04-30-2019 04:49 AM
04-30-2019 04:49 AM
Litespeed said:
Noone I've talked to recently has ever heard of a device called "Quest". And that includes mostly tech oriented people. "Rift" is a name most have heard of somehow but most think it's some overhyped gadget that was a horrible flop back in 2016 like all of VR. Most are surprised to hear it's still a thing.
In order for this to become a "cultural event" Oculus would need to invest a lot more into marketing.
Visibility here in Germany is practically zero outside of the VR bubble.
04-30-2019 10:47 AM
04-30-2019 10:48 AM