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The Rest of This Year's Oculus Releases

Not applicable
This is just a speculative list of what's left for Oculus to release this year.  They've done well at releasing decent exclusives every month this year, and with four months remaining and no exact word on what comes when, I'd like to hear what the community may think or know regarding this.  I can recall three games:  From Other Suns, Arktika.1, and Brass Tactics.

Now, Brass Tactics I believe had already been announced for October, From Other Suns was listed as simply "Fall of 2017", and I had heard (though not verified) that Arktika.1 was originally set as Q3.  This could potentially set these at Arktika.1 in September, Brass Tactics for October, and From Other Suns in November or early December.  

Was there any other potential Oculus focused games that's missing from the last month of the year (if any)?  Either way, I expect we'll get a good idea come Oculus Connect.