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The "REAL" oculus rift?

Guys, what do you think people who work at oculus have beyond cv1. With all that money at their disposal I find it hard to believe they could stand using a crappy old cv1 when they probably have prototypes of hardware the public won't see for maybe 6 or 7 years.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on forums?

Rising Star
I doubt they have the vision to make something great.
i7-5820K @ 4.2Ghz, water cooled, Asus X99-Pro USB 3.1, 48 Gb DDR4 2400, Samsung 950 pro M.2 SSD, GTX 980 Ti SC, 750w psu

Heroic Explorer

Roaster said:

I doubt they have the vision to make something great.

lets hope you are wrong

To be fair. Oculus are certainly not without vision. That's a wee bit cruel.
If it were not for Oculus I'd imagine we'd be a lot further away from the OP's dream than we are now.
Most "crappiness" is due to both CPU and GPU limitations which are beyond Oculus' influence.
They have done remarkably well with the computer hardware that is currently available.

Heroic Explorer

danknugz said:

Guys, what do you think people who work at oculus have beyond cv1. With all that money at their disposal I find it hard to believe they could stand using a crappy old cv1 when they probably have prototypes of hardware the public won't see for maybe 6 or 7 years.

Way to early for them to have anything other than the CV1's. Any prototypes at this point would just be enhancements to the CV1 and not a whole new unit, a la the CV2.

Rising Star
Oculus has an entire full-time research lab dedicated to experimenting with the technology that will be viable in 5+ years. But they aren't going to let employees take home their super secret future-tech.

What's your point, I obviously meant the people who engineer and work with the technology, and nowhere did I mention anyone "taking anything home".
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing on forums?

I think within the next two years we will see an oculus pro, with vastly improved displays (4K) and wider field of view, but much of the same technology of the current headset.  The current GPU state-of-the-art is probably the single most limiting factor of the display technology in the rift, since it would probably take 4 to 5 times the power of the new 1080 GPU to reliably render dual 4K displays.  The GTX 1000 series is amazing GPU tech, but I doubt we will see 4K VR until the next generation.  I doubt they will go to intermediate resolution too, since the display matrix would still be pretty visible.

I bet the reason we haven't heard from Palmer in weeks is because he's  already retreated to the ol' garage workshop to start prototyping the CV2.

Heck, maybe he'll announce the kickstarter at the Oculus booth during E3.  :wink:
It's hard being the voice of reason when you're surrounded by unreasonable people.

I watched the rift development for 5 years like a fanatic almost Daley. The games will look better than u think even with the limitations. Each game councel that came out games looked better over time. I'm going to enjoy what we have now. And also enjoy watching the new vr headsets being developed. I feel luckey it came out before I end up in boot hill speaking Luckey. Thank you palmer luckey for getting this going. You deserve the ton of money u made from this. U helped make my dream come true.