07-28-2016 05:25 PM
07-29-2016 01:08 AM
OpticKing said:
To be honest, if you got either the rift or the vive solely for AR, you got the wrong thing.. both of them are vr-centric. The Peripheral for Ar would be the Microsoft Hololens. https://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-hololens/en-us The pass-through camera (one lens so no stereo vision) on the vive is really only intended for being able to see whilst wearing the HMD, not to go into AR mode.. And if you're a dev, you don't even need the hololens to develop for it, simply get the sdk and hololens emulator and you're off. Perhaps you assumed prematurely when delving into these HMD's, and should've done a bit more research before dropping the better part of a grand on something, no offense.
07-29-2016 01:25 AM
07-29-2016 01:47 AM
07-29-2016 10:26 AM
Thoemse said:
The camera of the vive can be use by devs for whatever they want. Yes the Vive is a VR device. Noone hinders you from developing AR software with it though.
07-29-2016 10:52 AM
07-29-2016 12:13 PM