11-28-2016 08:52 AM
11-28-2016 06:09 PM
11-28-2016 06:20 PM
CrashFu said:
Nothing for me yet, but I wasn't able to get my Rift order in until ~30 minutes after preorders started. Hopefully this time around I'll only be a couple days behind others instead of months. :cold_sweat: If they could ship out ALL of the Day-1 Rift-orderers Touches on the same day, that would be incredible (but is it logistically possible?)
Btw, anyone notice the "Effective Order Date" Line on your Touch order page? Mine says "January 6, 2016", lol.
11-28-2016 06:31 PM
11-28-2016 06:31 PM
11-28-2016 06:41 PM
11-28-2016 06:57 PM
harryinthesoup said:
Nothing for me in Oz. I hope they ship them soon so they get here before Xmas as I have a VR Xmas day planned for the family
11-28-2016 07:21 PM
GtAwyFrmMyRamen said:
jayhawk said:
ordered mine day one after 1 hour. Wonder what that means for me....
I fell asleep waiting for the pre-orders to go live. I dont even know how long they had been up when I finally awoke and ordered mine. And I already got my processing email.
Which means I doubt it matters much when you ordered your touch and relies much more heavily on when you ordered your rift.
11-28-2016 07:21 PM
11-28-2016 08:20 PM
11-28-2016 08:33 PM