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Upside down sensor

I am wondering if anyone knows if there's any issue with placing the sensor upside down as illustrated in the attached picture.

Besides the ugly cable (which I'm going to do something about) this is the best way I can mount the sensor in my office. This gives the sensor a good straight view to the HMD, and a good 'room-scale' play area as well.

Tracking seems perfect except that little spike at about 90 degrees when turning a full 180 - I just want to know if I'm hamstringing the system in any way - especially when I get the extra sensor with Touch it will be placed the 'right way' up on its stand behind me.

Any thoughts would be appreciated 🙂


Hum... I don't have it in my hands, but from the bits and pieces of info online... I think the sensor works on "relative" positioning.

Basically, you sit down and depending on the game or app, you "calibrate" your starting position (in Elite it becomes the standard seated position facing forward). Then all your your motions are compared to that start.

If the headset was upside down relative to you (and your motions), then it might get a little funky.

Hmm makes sense. So as long as the sensors aren't shifted once they have the initial reference they should track properly regardless of how they're oriented. Exactly what I wanted to hear!

Thanks for the reply 🙂

Heroic Explorer
The camera for my DK2 was mounted on the ceiling upside-down where the wall met the ceiling (it gave a nice large area to move in, and minimized loss of tracking). I had no problems with it. I was going to do the same with the CV1 camera, but got as far as drilling two holes in the base before I decided just to sit it in another location for the time being (still haven't got around to mounting it on the ceiling), but I am fairly sure there wouldn't be any problem with CV1 since it worked fine with DK2. The main problem with CV1's camera is that it doesn't tilt as freely as the DK2's camera did, so you have to be more picky on where you mount it, or just swap out the base with a mount that has more tilt freedom.