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VGA is making portable VR TREADMill

Honored Guest

6fxfnsakvfa0.pnghi i'm  Minkee Chang CTO of VGA(VR GAMING ASTROPIA)

our company is making portable VR TREADMILL our engineers are working on it

it might be 350$ +@ but it would not be that much expencive

we will try to make it as fast as we could !!


The Omni and Virtualizer let you sit when you get in a vehicle. But obviously you won't be able to use a steering wheel at that point, unless you fit it right in front of the treadmill.

Expert Protege
can I ask why you went with 5 edges on the walking platform? because the way it is now the poles/legs or what you call them aren't on the opposite side of each other, making it weaker on one side. Also it looks like they are too close so you will easily bang your feet into them when walking. 

Heroic Explorer

edmg said:

I believe the Omni is currently priced at $699, though I'm sure they've said they expect that to come down as they produce more.

But I'm not sure how well this would work unless it's much larger than it appears to be in the image above.

And note that a lot of the complexity is in the software, not the hardware. The Omni tracks your feet and your waist and then figures out what you're doing (walking, running, side-stepping, etc) and where you're pointing. So there's still a lot of work to do after the physical design is complete.

I was a backer, and got the Omni, plus the now $79 rack, at $479, so $400 for the Omni including (I've now changed my Rack into the equally-priced Boom, but anyway... Still waiting for delivery...).  I would agree that Virtuix has put a lot of time & energy into the development of their Omni hw & sw, and have nailed a lot of the finer details per recent Pathfinder reviews.  It seems to me that the Omni, even now at $699, is a solid and well-researched piece of kit; however, it is large and rather immobile (though stowable).  I'm just curious if this project touts the same level of performance, within a more portable frame. I'm doubtful, but thought I would ask...  Their current $350 projected price, being half of Omni's current price, would be attractive to many too.

The problem is that you need a certain amount of space for your feet to move, so I'm not sure you can build a usable treadmill any smaller than the Omni. Similarly, you need to be stable when someone is running on it, which means it's hard to weigh much less than an Omni unless you have some way of physically attaching it to the floor.

Also, while I've never tried one, the flat base designs have always looked a bit odd to me, compared to the Omni's curved base. I may be wrong, but that seems like it should be easier on the feet.

Honored Guest

jademan said:

In what ways would it be better than the Virtuix Omni, for example?  Mainly it's small size for portability?

it cost very low