08-14-2019 01:25 AM
08-15-2019 09:48 PM
08-15-2019 10:40 PM
08-16-2019 02:56 AM
Zenbane said:
So getting back on track,It looks like 3 different related topics are being discussed on reddit about the issue.https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveIndex/comments/c72jx4/mini_displayport_adapter/
https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveIndex/comments/c6j2dd/flashing_pixels_on_dark_backgrounds/Most signs point to a faulty cable. Someone else uploaded a video showing the Index sparkling.
My CV1 used to do that with an HDMI to DP adaptor before I figured out the issues to get it to work with the laptop via HDMI.
Could be the Cable.
Could just be a bad display port.
08-16-2019 03:51 AM