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Vive - Room Scale And Smaller Play Areas


Hello all,

For Vive owners! (can't post on the Reddit sub forum yet and I know there are some Vive users here!)

I have read a few reviews and comments from developers who absolutely love room scale and have nothing but praise for it, but suggest you really need to have the biggest play area possible to get the most out of it or you will run in to constant chaperone issues, hitting walls with the wands, tracking issues and so on.

This got me a little concerned so thought I would gather some opinions from Vive owners with smaller play spaces.

I can probably squeeze a place space of approx 8x10ft, which would be basically by moving a single chair out of my gaming room and using the space inside of where my PC desk and TV cabinet are situated.

How do you think I would get on with a place space of this size? It is worth the investment in regards to room scale with a space this size?

Ps. I understand that you can use the Vive sitting and standing. This is just in respect to games that utilise room scale.



Expert Protege
8 X 10 should be fine, I had 8 by 13? before I moved things around to give me 10x15 . You will however appreciate it the more room you have. Hitting walls during heated battles (Vanishing Realms) is a real threat even with chaperone, your hands will probably be fine but your controller can take a dive if you have enough force, but for that game leave full grid on and leave auto pause on in the game (this will pause and allow you to recentre when you get near the boundaries). Even with a small space the standing + a few steps + 360 robust tracking and controls are still astounding compared to my DK2 experience.

Rising Star
8' x 10' is a pretty good size and is enough room to take a few steps around the room or strafe a skeleton in a sword fight.
Not a Rift fanboi. Not a Vive fanboi. I'm a VR fanboi. Get it straight.

Thanks for all the feedback.


@marikcraven actually the minimum is 2mx2m.  I have a 2m x 2.5m space and all the room-scale content thus far works perfectly.

What about a game like Unseen Diplomacy? It says 3mx4m. I'm not expecting you to get it if you aren't interested but in situations like this would the game even load? And what if my area of play is 10ftx11ft? Can I play it or no?  

1 game is a bit different from you earlier statement that "most games require 3mx3m" Most games are fine as far as I can see using 2mx2m

Expert Protege

Ryder35 said:

@marikcraven actually the minimum is 2mx2m.  I have a 2m x 2.5m space and all the room-scale content thus far works perfectly.

What about a game like Unseen Diplomacy? It says 3mx4m. I'm not expecting you to get it if you aren't interested but in situations like this would the game even load? And what if my area of play is 10ftx11ft? Can I play it or no?  

1 game is a bit different from you earlier statement that "most games require 3mx3m" Most games are fine as far as I can see using 2mx2m

I wasn't correcting him. I liked his statement and I was wrong about the size. I was asking a different question.