05-06-2016 07:12 AM
05-06-2016 08:49 PM
CardinalStorm said:
blue-steel said:
i'm going to flip my rift. I don't want to do business with a company who doesn't give a crap about me. Use the money I make to pay off the vive.
I'm confused, you don't want to do business with a company, yet you're buying from them. Is that correct?
05-07-2016 02:08 AM
05-07-2016 02:40 AM
ThreeDeeVision said:
I have both and will keep both. I use the Rift for all my seated VR and the Vive for room-scale and the more active VR. The Vive is made of really durable plastic so it should hold up to the massive amount of sweat I been throwing at it. The Rift always feels super comfy after playing a bunch of Vive apps. Eventually I will get my backup PC upgraded so I can have a PC for both and switching between the two will be very easy.
05-07-2016 05:28 AM
I have Vive and day 1 pre-order on rift. I would like to
sell the Rift but I could not sell it until I tried it; if I use it I don’t see
how I can sell it as new, so screw it I will just keep it.
05-07-2016 09:44 AM
05-07-2016 09:51 AM
05-07-2016 10:07 AM
05-07-2016 10:10 AM
05-07-2016 10:13 AM
rat8cheese said:
@Oblongship - since you asked. 🙂 My experience with the Vive after 3 days of use is extremely positive. I'd say 9/10. Major issue at this time is when navigating menus the text can be difficult to read. I've noticed there is a sweet spot in the center of the lense but if you move off to the peripherally things get blurry. I'm not sure if the CV1 is like this too but again there is a "sweet spot" and things blur the further you deviate. In a way you have to train yourself to not shift your eye gaze but rather turn you head.
As for for setup, I'm really baffled by why so much negativity is written on these forums regarding how hard it is to set up. Perhaps compared to Rift the complexity is magnified? I mean the Vive box literally has 4 compartments inside. So when you open the base station "section" it's corresponding power cables are there. When you open the controllers their chargers are there with it. People who like to take everything out of their box when they buy stuff and line them up on a table might actually be making it harder on themselves. I literally loaded up the software, it had a clock on top right corner telling me estimated time until completion (starts at 28mins) and walks you through it. I couldn't have taken more than 25 mins to get this thing up and running and I'm a Mac guy. I literally watched youtube in March on how to build a PC and just followed it step by step. So again, not sure what the issue is with Vive setup.
Game-wise. Has been workweek so time was limited. I'm getting 1.5 hrs to 2hrs a day on average. Today will be my first day to go buck wild in VR. I've played TheBlu multiple times now and have unlocked exploration mode. To me it's the ultimate relaxer when I get home from 12 hrs of work tired and stressed. Walking around the bottom of the coral reef or grabbing a pillow and tricking my body into thinking it's laying on the bottom of the ocean has not gotten old. Zombie Training Simulator is next. I had Space Pirate lined up in my sights since ordering Vive but based on reviews I decided to buy Zombie. This is a game I also keep coming back to the last few days trying to keep upping my kill count. The precise tracking is put on full display here imo. It is so fun I do recommend everyone with Vive take a look at it. I only wish reloading wasn't with the touchpad as the gun is so detailed i want to use my off hand to actually reload. It's also the game that's made me hit the wall with my controller in a frantic attempt to toss steak at the horde. The Lab was my first load up after the very entering Tutorial. I have not finished everything but the standouts thus far are Longbow (but only 8 waves?!? finished it on my first attempt, why so short?) and Xortex. I actually unlocked the Xortex ship in the main Lab area and you can fly it around like a remote drone with the Wand...this flying a drone concept has huge potential in my opinion. Last night I tried Tilt Brush. I think this will be my demo for friends and family. Mind blown moment. I'm terrible at drawing and still loved this. I could swear when I put my arm "into" a painting my arm feels warm...some sort of brain trick. Just some early impressions. I should probably have posted this separately as a review but too lazy.
I have not even set up the sitting Vive yet. I just did the Roomscale set up. What do you guys recommend for a sitting experience...I'll probably get to it in a week or so bc I just want to walk around for the time being. This really is what I'm looking for and in a way glad my Rift is delayed bc I wouldn't have the Vive if it wasn't. I said in a previous post I got the Vive a few days after Rift showed off the 30 launch games. To me more than half of them were 3rd person games where you were the camera or viewed the "world" in God mode like you're playing a board game or viewing a diorama. That was a turn off for me bc RTS and that card game they showed made me feel they were better suited for augmented reality. Speaking of AR, before getting my Vive I was thinking about the potential of AR with the camera. But now that I have it, it's probably not happening. Only one camera so can't even get 3D images, when I view my room in Tron mode it feels so weird bc there is no depth. They probably won't be able to use it for AR.
Btw, how do I watch Netflix (can I even?) with the Vive. Is there a theater mode?
05-07-2016 10:14 AM