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Vive owners waiting for Rift

Are you keeping your Rift preorder?  I am a day 1 Rift preorder and was going to try both and sell the lesser of the 2.  I've had my Vive a few days now...and its freaking amazing and I love it.  Would you guys keep the Rift in my position?   $300-$400 markup on EBay which isn't earth shattering so perhaps not even worth the trouble.

Please only chime in if you own Vive and also Rift.  


Nimravus said:

@Shadowmask72 I hope you dont get it before that way you can let us know what performance increase you see! That 1080 card looks like a BEAST!

Yeah, I may have underestimated the 1080. I originally thought my overclocked 980 Ti (1400MHz) wouldn't be far off the pace of the 1080, and that may be the case when gaming on a 1080p/1440p monitor. But 4K gaming and VR with a 1080 look to be ~40% over a SC 980Ti, which is very impressive.

No matter, I'm not interested until the Ti arrives, and even then, I'll probably wait for the 1180...well, maybe. :smiley: I'll keep an eye on Guru3D reviews, if Hilbert says it's amazing....

I really must stop buying every bloody generation of GPU. I wanted to skip a gen, but I'm such a graphics whore.  

Im right there with you man! I bought a Titan X like 6 months ago thinking I would be good for a generation OR 2 considering that USUALLY new cards only jump the performance by 20-30% Now this damn 1080 is announced.... ugh I will have to at least wait for the Ti version though....  Now the X feels like such a waste.