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Vive this...Vive That....The painful wait for touch controllers....

Expert Protege
Seems like every other day another fun game gets released for the vive because of it's controllers - are all the game producers holding back on releasing games until Oculus finally releases theirs?? Yes we have been seeing a few games here and there - just can't wait until we get some actual "Interactive" games to come our way. Yes i'm being pissy 🙂 I have got to the point of maybe playing my rift once a week because nothing really "Exciting" has come out that interests me.


Zenbane said:

Right now the only thing that gets my attention with tracked controllers is Vanishing Realms. But with the number of Touch titles coming out when the Touch launches, I will likely never play it.

I'm not that impressed with Vanishing Realms, to be honest. The section where I was sneaking around using my shield to block arrows while I tried to outflank a bad guy was kind of fun, but, in general, the game is pretty repetitive and lackluster ('oh look, a skeleton. Oh look, another skeleton. Oh look, three skeletons in a row who are going to walk over and attack me one at a time'). And, last time I tried to play it, it had lost my save and wouldn't let me teleport far enough to get past a trap that I couldn't pass by moving in the space available in my room (and which I had passed when I played the game before while standing in one spot).

Take the combat and add it to Skyrim, while dropping the rest, and it would probably be good fun.

The two motion controller games I play the most are H3VR and Holopoint, though Zombie Training Simulator has been pretty fun, too. I also liked the rowing in the Grand Canyon game, but it gets a bit tiring after a while.


wild0409 said:

Yeah, I just don't get it. With FB money behind it, it's just infuriating that the Oculus people are just sitting there, letting Vive take over the market. Makes me pull my hair out in frustration waiting for the Rift to do SOMEthing... ANYthing...

As far as I can see, the Vive will be in deep poo when Touch comes out, because the better headset will have the better controllers, and more content. The only thing Oculus need is to ensure there are apps worth using when Touch is released, because most of what's currently available are wave shooters someone knocked together in their bedroom in a weekend.

The last thing they need to do is rush out unpolished controllers with no new content.

gotta be honest, I haven't seen anything that interests me enough or doesn't look like a demo to warrant hand controllers yet - as @edmg said, add controllers to Skyrim (or make a new version that has real VR and controllers) and I'll knock grannies to the ground to get in line to buy it...

that and some sort of Tron game - I can't wait to play that disk throwy thing that is coming out with touch (I've wanted something like that since I got in trouble for throwing a frisbee at my brother when I was 9)..

Though you are more than slightly incoherent, I agree with you Madam,
a plum is a terrible thing to do to a nostril.

Expert Protege
I've only tried the Vive with the Wands a couple of times in short sessions and I was blown away.
The Rift just isn't doing it for me without the Touch, and waiting till perhaps  November for them to be launched and possibly January/February before the orders unclog because of the holidays. That's worst case 6 months.
I am considering ordering the Vive in the next few days.

Heroic Explorer
I used to be anxious for touch controllers release. Heck, I trolled the forums every day of E3 just not to miss an announcement.
There comes a time when you don't want Oculus to release a half engineered product. Touch controllers is a prime example.

When they are released, they will accompany great games for touch controllers.

We should try to find enjoyment in what is currently available, rather than moan for something scheduled to be released in October - December time frame.
CPU: Intel i5-4690K Mobo: ASUS Z97-AR Ram: 8GB 1600MHz Graphics Card: EVGA GTX 1080 SC


EarlGrey said:

I've only tried the Vive with the Wands a couple of times in short sessions and I was blown away.

That's kind of the HTC strategy. Hook people with a few tech demos to get them to buy, and don't worry about the fact that they'll be bored and wishing there were some real games after they've had it for a few weeks.

If Vive motion controller games were so amazing, Vive owners wouldn't have whined so much when Oculus stopped Revive working so they couldn't play motion-controller-free Rift games any more.

The 6D controllers are probably the HTC Vive's best selling point (more then room scale, built-in camera and chaperone system put together).

But although the Vive HTC has the early 6D controllers (a bit buggy), it's the CV1 that has the game lineup you want for them.

So if you're going to be waiting for that game lineup until 2016Q4 either way, the right question is do you want your hands to be wearing Touch controllers, or holding HTC Vive wands ?

In the meantime, Oculus VR will have had ~1 year to learn from and improve on the early release of those HTC Vive wands.

I for one would rather see a finished, polished product than have them release it too soon. There was a lot of complaining that the Rift was released 3-4 months late, but unlike them I wanted them to make sure it was done right. I have no problem waiting until December for the Touch if that's what it takes.

This is a brand new technology, people. I can only imagine the headaches they have when testing this stuff, and if they release buggy versions, not only will people whine about that, but it could potentially kill off the VR industry again for several years. Every earlier VR interface I have messed with have been really hokey, more of a gimmick than a new computer interface. If they screw up, investors and developers are going to back off from the medium in general.

As for competing against the Vive and its singular wand controller, I'm not too worried, as the immersion factor between a single wand and two independent hand controllers will be immense. In the long run, Vive will have to do some catching up if they want to remain competitive.

Expert Protege
They just need to post a solid release date and that would go a long ways.


They just need to post a solid release date and that would go a long ways.

I can understand why that would seem like a good idea, but the only thing a solid release date would accomplish for a first gen product... is let all the competitors and internet trolls anxiously await the moment that the release date is missed, thus opening the flood gates for ridicule.

And why are release dates missed? Because of the actions required to address any issues that arise during multiple quality assurance testing scenarios. If we could all easily predict every potential problem ahead of time and avoid it up front, then hell... we can solve world hunger, world peace, and pretty much make heaven on Earth a reality lol 😮

Solid release dates work for things like pizza, not platform dependent technological advancements.