07-22-2016 09:22 AM
07-24-2016 04:48 PM
Zenbane said:
Right now the only thing that gets my attention with tracked controllers is Vanishing Realms. But with the number of Touch titles coming out when the Touch launches, I will likely never play it.
07-24-2016 04:56 PM
wild0409 said:
Yeah, I just don't get it. With FB money behind it, it's just infuriating that the Oculus people are just sitting there, letting Vive take over the market. Makes me pull my hair out in frustration waiting for the Rift to do SOMEthing... ANYthing...
07-24-2016 04:57 PM
07-24-2016 06:20 PM
07-24-2016 06:41 PM
07-24-2016 07:01 PM
EarlGrey said:
I've only tried the Vive with the Wands a couple of times in short sessions and I was blown away.
07-24-2016 07:15 PM
07-24-2016 07:21 PM
07-24-2016 07:47 PM
07-24-2016 08:25 PM
greeneblitz said:
They just need to post a solid release date and that would go a long ways.