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Vive this...Vive That....The painful wait for touch controllers....

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Seems like every other day another fun game gets released for the vive because of it's controllers - are all the game producers holding back on releasing games until Oculus finally releases theirs?? Yes we have been seeing a few games here and there - just can't wait until we get some actual "Interactive" games to come our way. Yes i'm being pissy 🙂 I have got to the point of maybe playing my rift once a week because nothing really "Exciting" has come out that interests me.

What motion control games do you actually WANT to play? They all look like garbage to me. Don't get me wrong, motion controls are potentially an awesome utility to games but nothing that uses them has any depth and could keep me entertained for more than an hour at best. I see nothing in the Vive line up that actually gets me excited to play with motion controls..

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splicer12 said:

As for competing against the Vive and its singular wand controller, I'm not too worried, as the immersion factor between a single wand and two independent hand controllers will be immense. In the long run, Vive will have to do some catching up if they want to remain competitive.

What are you talking about? There are TWO wand controllers in the Vive, two independent wand controllers. I have no idea why you think there is just one.


KillCard said:

What motion control games do you actually WANT to play?

H3VR is probably the best I own right now. Largely because it's a game the dev is very much building for himself, so it gets weekly updates and keeps improving.


edmg said:

KillCard said:

What motion control games do you actually WANT to play?

H3VR is probably the best I own right now. Largely because it's a game the dev is very much building for himself, so it gets weekly updates and keeps improving.

I mean.. no offense. But thats hardly a strong example of a game with depth that would keep me entertained for long periods of time ... or the average gamer for that matter.

I dont want to shit on something you like .. but this kind of content is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about that turns me off wanting to get motion controls. As a gamer .. I'm looking for GAMES, not "experiences" or "examples of possibilities".

On HMD I can play:

Lucky's Tale
Eve: Valk
War Thunder
Elite: Dangerous
Dirt Rally

With VorpX -

Unreal Tournament 3
Rise of the Triad 2013
Mirror's Edge

With Dolphin VR -

Metroid Prime 1 and 2

These are just the games that I've been playing over the last 2 weeks since I got Rift, and these have all been INCREDIBLE VR experiences as well as competent DEEP involving games with 10+ hours of content EACH. If you cant get at least 10 hours out of a motion control game, I'm sorry .. you have a toy, not a gaming platform.

Expert Protege
After seeing this review from Tested on the Touch I'm yet again on the fence on whether I'll get Rift and Touch or Vive.

It gives me a good idea about the hand presence, I somewhat like this idea. I wish Oculus would try to demonstrate this further, this hand presence factor, and how you moving your hands translates into the in-game.

There's a reason I've played Skyrim far more than any motion control game. But H3VR is the kind of game you really couldn't do well without motion controllers: yes, you could make a target shooting game with mouse and keyboard, but it would rather miss the point... there's not a lot of fun in just putting the mouse pointer on the middle of the target and clicking.


edmg said:

There's a reason I've played Skyrim far more than any motion control game. But H3VR is the kind of game you really couldn't do well without motion controllers: yes, you could make a target shooting game with mouse and keyboard, but it would rather miss the point... there's not a lot of fun in just putting the mouse pointer on the middle of the target and clicking.

Yea.. you are definitely correct about that point, and H3VR is an indicator of the possibilities of motion control gaming for the future. But until I can go into a battlefield and use them to my advantage to fight a war in missions or maps that escalate in both difficulty and complexity, motion control gaming isnt worth the investment .. to me at least.

I do hope that we get there eventually .. and I think we will .. but its going to be a VERY long time. We need to get more people on board with HMD gameplay FIRST ... once HMD's are on everyones heads .. devs can turn around and say "okay now buy a motion controller and try this!"  .. it is far more realistic. I would estimate a decent amount of meaningful games for motion controls would be available no sooner than 2019 at best. Until then .. you will have to be content with simple indie experiences.

On the other hand HMD already has a lot of native support from solid games and is continuing to grow rapidly.

Sold my Vive and waiting for touch, nothing more to say 😉
i7 6700K @ 4.2 GHz | Corsair 16GB DDR4 PC2300 | GTX 1080 Ti | Asus z170-Pro | Corsair RGB Strafe Keyboard | Logitech G27 | Oculus CV1 + Touch + 4 Sensors | Win 10 64 bit | Acer Predator x34 @ 100Hz

That's poster of the week material right there, @EliteSPA


Atmos73 said:

This Touch controller is so over hyped. As soon as Leap motion gets proper Vive/Oculus integration hand gestures via a controller is going to be outdated very quickly.

Once you get the Touch use it for a couple of days I bet the difference in functionality between the Vive wands and the Touch for everyday use will be minimal.

People are trying to hype the Touch to justify the delay which probably had nothing to do will Touch refinements and more to do with Constellation instability or the fact the games weren't ready.

The reality of Touch will ONLY surface once the controllers are literally in peoples hands and the hype has died down.

My question to you Oculus guys is how do you see Leap motion and Touch integration coming together? One seems counter intuitive to the other.

I dunno about that. I hope people find a way to use Leap Motion really intuitively, but not having physical feedback for your hands when interacting with things can have its own downsides. I actually have a Leap Motion on its way (it was 50% off a few days ago!) .. I will be interested to see how it handles with tracking/latency etc. After all, we all saw how useful the Kinect was in the end.