3 weeks ago
my pc specs ^ I’m also running the quest 3 link cable connection
I’m starting to wonder if my pc can’t handle my vr head set (bottle necking)can someone please check that for me !??
but no matter what I do I’m having a constant frame drop with head on 72hz or 120hz resolution can either be maxed or lowered and it still does the same effect ..
a week ago
I was having a very frustrating pcvr experience as well. With so many different tips and tricks nothing worked. Try optimizing your pc monitor to match refresh rate on the Quest, monitor resolution that best works with your gpu, color and temperature options on my monitor are set to fps and cool temperature . Then reset your pc and load games from the pc to the vr.
I know originally the AMD 7000 series GPUs had issues with VR.
The maker of Virtual desktop recommends driver 23.12.1
Try uninstalling your current GPU driver with DDU uninstaller then installing 23.12.1
Hope this helps