01-06-2025 12:57 AM
I have found a conserning issue with meta worlds. And all around problem with the classification system on the meta worlds. The meta policies state that sexual content should be understandably 18+ but I have found about 100 "dating" worlds aimed and 13+ with sexual content stated in the classification. I have also found worlds for dating aimed at children aged 10+ which I also find confusing and abit upsetting. Some of the dating apps are created by users named "the real pdiddy" "pdiddy" ect which is also conserning. Alot of these apps are named "find your match". I have raised this issue a couple of times at meta now but I feel raising the concern here also may help.
01-06-2025 01:04 PM
Yep, absolutely loads of them. One, "Ages 13+ - Some nudity and Some sexual content"
Thanks for raising it @farqqqbro - hopefully Meta will sort this out real quick!
01-06-2025 07:17 PM
DIDDY??? no way