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Wave 1 needs to be Charging/Confrming Soon, Right?

Not applicable
So unfortunately, I am not in Wave 1 set to ship out en-mass of the 28th in just over a week. Despite spamming the site an hour before it went live, the glitch caused me to be on the cusp of the April delivery so I am not holding my breath that I'm going to be bumped up a few weeks to wave one and just have set myself that sometime in April mine will go out. Having said that though, seriously when will Wave 1 people have their orders confirmed/shipped? I mean these suckers are supposed to go out the very latest one week from this Monday so to me they would need to at the very least confirm and charge a few days earlier to ensure that they are shipping to accurate paying customers. I would imagine for this to function properly they really should have started confirming/charging by now to accurately have all shipping labels printed and ready to go fr next Monday but nothing. I mean this is cutting it incredibly close I imagine to make for an effective, smooth and efficient launch in less then nine days time. Am I totally wrong here? When do you guys think they will start confirming and charging for those lucky enough to be in the first launch wave?

"DoctorFate" wrote:
Having said that though, seriously when will Wave 1 people have their orders confirmed/shipped?

March 28th is the day when they ship. I suspect a confirmation will come in the upcoming week.

"DoctorFate" wrote:
Am I totally wrong here? When do you guys think they will start confirming and charging for those lucky enough to be in the first launch wave?

No, you are not wrong. Still, they probably have some more details to resolve - remove fraud orders, fill all Support tickets related to preorders etc. This takes time, especially in such high scale.

I'd really wish some would be more patient about it... I do understand - hype etc, but this is starting to get weird a little bit. Relax, play your favorite DK2 game. We are now less than 2 weeks away from the magic date!
DK1: Received DK2: (Jan 26) Pending => (2nd Feb) Processing => (3rd Feb) Shipped => (6th Feb) Received CV1: (Jan 6) Pending Rig: i7 4770 / GA-Z87X-D3H / GTX 760 / 16GB RAM

Not applicable
@LKostyra, to me personally I am not in wave one so honestly it doesn't entirely matter to me, but to me it's more of a sign of bad things to come. Let me give you an example. For those of us who were quite eager to order the Oculus ready computers the initial release launch day, weeks prior Oculus kept saying for those who already ordered the rift and were not ordering the one giant package, they would get the special codes ahead of time prior to the official computer specs and prices launching so we could order it the same as the Best Buy/Amazon and what not bundles. Then as of the day prior we still had not received codes and many of us started questioning this. We were given the response that everything would be good to go and we would get the codes sometime prior to the official release of the computers going live. We waited ad waited, then the computers finally went live and still nothing. In fact then they started saying how this was a larger undertaking then they expected and to be patient and they would come. I got my codes three days after the computers were opened for anyone just coming buy and ordering them. Was it the end of the world, ABSOLUTELY not, I didn't case much since why did I need the computer that much earlier, but to me it was a horrible sign that Oculus doesn't adequately prepare and give themselves the proper buffer to make things happen. Why do I bring this up... is it about to happen here with the official wave one launch release in 9 days time, I hope not but believe so. Does it effect me personally, no it doesn't but still is a sign that troubles me partially. I do think if the launch wave is a mess and botched then those later in line also will eventually feel the trickle down effect. I hope none of this apocalypse talk and doomsaying comes to be, I truly do and in the grand scheme of things what's a few more days or heck if need be week if we get a quality product. I a simply saying it would be nice to prepare for eventualities now and be extra cautious and effective then the opposite as a company who wants to make a HUGE name for themselves in a very competitive industry.

Not applicable
I'd guess at 24th/25th for start of payment processing, with tracking/shipping notification soon after payment. Then physical shipment starting on the 28 March.

I'm going to guess that once payment processing starts, there'll be notifications sent out daily, with shipments going out on a daily basis via scheduled collections... I have a May shipping date, so little while before I'll start to think about it. Though, it would be nice if we were to get some prior notice of payment processing. Some people may need to transfer money to cover the payment.

Do we know how many of the initial batch [March 28] will be for Kickstarter backers, and how many as part of the pre-order process? It'll be good to read people's experiences once the process starts.

@DoctorFate - Yes I do understand, and I do agree that multiple things could happen.

We all agree that whatever was happening with the preorders was huge. Lots of orders, lots of traffic, even servers borrowed from Mr. Zuckerberg were not enough to withold the massive DDoS we did when trying to place our preorders. Loads of Rifts were ordered, the queue quickly created a backlog from March estimate to April, then to May, then to June. Now we are at July estimate, despite having a 1 Rift-per-customer limit.

What I'm trying to say: if this went on such a high scale, Oculus probably now has hands full of work to get all the things done. I kind of do understand how much work they have in order to go through everything. Not to mention, the Support tickets - people cancelling because of Vive, people placing fraudulent orders, people who were marked as false-positives some weeks ago. This is a lot, especially for a company at Oculus size. Yes, they do have 120 people on board, however most of these do R&D work. Plus, some of these people had to take care of GDC, which yesterday came to an end.

I'm not trying to go full-Oculus-fanboy-mode here. All I'm saying, they probably have their hands full of work to meet the promised March 28th deadline. To justify my reasons, here is a Reddit spreadshit with order number to shipping date info. Notice the fact that most of the people in first six rows declared March shipment. March, meaning 28th of March, which is coming in 9 days. That's 60 thousand of orders to process and ship at once. Kinda a lot, if you ask me, even if some of them are fraudulent.
DK1: Received DK2: (Jan 26) Pending => (2nd Feb) Processing => (3rd Feb) Shipped => (6th Feb) Received CV1: (Jan 6) Pending Rig: i7 4770 / GA-Z87X-D3H / GTX 760 / 16GB RAM

"DoctorFate" wrote:
but to me it's more of a sign of bad things to come.

Amazing how many people on this board make up reasons for doom and gloom, then believe them to be true.

Rising Star
"christopherbarnhouse" wrote:
"DoctorFate" wrote:
but to me it's more of a sign of bad things to come.

Amazing how many people on this board make up reasons for doom and gloom, then believe them to be true.

Let me be the first to welcome you to the internet, Christopher Barnhouse.
Not a Rift fanboi. Not a Vive fanboi. I'm a VR fanboi. Get it straight.

"vizionvr" wrote:

Let me be the first to welcome you to the internet, Christopher Barnhouse.

Thanks ! Where do I pick up my Hazmat suit ?

"christopherbarnhouse" wrote:
"vizionvr" wrote:

Let me be the first to welcome you to the internet, Christopher Barnhouse.

Thanks ! Where do I pick up my Hazmat suit ?

Hello and welcome to the Internet!

The Hazmats are available on the right - just past the entrance to Troll Gardens and the Castle of 13YO.
DK1: Received DK2: (Jan 26) Pending => (2nd Feb) Processing => (3rd Feb) Shipped => (6th Feb) Received CV1: (Jan 6) Pending Rig: i7 4770 / GA-Z87X-D3H / GTX 760 / 16GB RAM

"LKostyra" wrote:

Hello and welcome to the Internet!

The Hazmats are available on the right - just past the entrance to Troll Gardens and the Castle of 13YO.

Cool, thanks - I missed orientation because I got "lost" in the Porn Palace.