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What precisely stops 2 Rifts sharing the same PC whilst we can have multi-monitors already?

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So the Rift is just 2 screens, headphones, with motion infrared cameras for Sensors to track.
We can have as many Monitors as we like on Display Port Links and it is normal to run 3 plus a Rift.
What is the problem for connecting 2 Rifts really? I mean really, if it can also handle 1 Rift + 1 Vive then what is the deal here?
I really think this needs looking at. The Rift is bloody great. At the very least allow say Oculus Go to accompany it to share viewing Rift games as spectator.

Heroic Explorer
Probably the potential for the Constellation system to get confused by which of the two Rift constellations that it sees is which Rift.
Some PC-aided Freaky Friday action probably would also be a bit stomach churning, so best to avoid the possibility.

Yep, software + hardware issue. The software would need a way of separating two full but identical systems and the Rift simply is not setup for that. The reason you can throw a Vive or WMR system in is because they use completely different hardware and software.

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Theoretically as each Rift has their own ID yet use the same account it should be a possibility for them to program for a 2nd Rift to become just a Spectator. The thing is all APPs would have needed to consider the position of a Spectator e.g. Elite:Dangerous would require putting them in a spare seat or place them in the position of the pilot if none are available (as Multicrew takes up seats too). All they need is independent head tracking which could later expand to adding another 2 Touch Controllers or share a pair in some cases. I don't see another HMD taking up resources as they are just screens/headphones/mic.

Expert Consultant
My guess would be that handling one HMD already is taxing the GPU capabilities of the highest end GPUs as it is.  USB controllers are at their limit with 4 sensors, the HMD and whatever other peripherals you may have connected.  I think it's too taxing on a system to have 2 working in conjunction with each other.  The GPU would then be feeding your monitors, and 4 screens on those two HMDs, how much power do you think that would take from the GPU? 

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I disagree because it is possible to have 1 RIFT + 1 VIVE.

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MAC_MAN86 said:

I disagree because it is possible to have 1 RIFT + 1 VIVE.

How is the performance when the Rift and Vive are being used at the same time?

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Using no hosts and focuses screen on Vive with a single GTX970. No issues as I thought. (2yrs ago already!)
So along comes Oculus GO and it too is not programmed for anything like this nor are 2 RIFTS!!!

Expert Consultant
Aren't the Light Stations on a totally different technology that wouldn't tax out the USB ports?