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What's that on the front of his CV1?

Heroic Explorer
So, at :04 in the sync'd F8 conference demo video linked here:

....what is that black bar on the front of the CV1 he's using?  It looks somewhat like a covered Leap Motion controller, but the dimensions seem a bit off.

Expert Protege
its the clip to hold the leap motion, he took it off

Heroic Explorer
Hmm... I haven't seen any of the newer mounting kits for the CV1, but it doesn't look like the one I have for the DK2.  When his hmd is tilted up there's a shadow on the bottom that corresponds nicely to the lower edge of the mount, but none on the top which would correspond to the upper inside edge with the Leap Motion controller removed.  It looks filled, or solid.

Pity, I was hoping it was something new.  : )

Expert Protege

jon said:

Hmm... I haven't seen any of the newer mounting kits for the CV1, but it doesn't look like the one I have for the DK2.  When his hmd is tilted up there's a shadow on the bottom that corresponds nicely to the lower edge of the mount, but none on the top which would correspond to the upper inside edge with the Leap Motion controller removed.  It looks filled, or solid.

Pity, I was hoping it was something new.  : )

could either be a new version for cv1 or he just 3d printed himself a cv1 plate

Expert Protege
This is a really cool video. I actually like the concepts shown. Even the idea of taking group photos in VR makes a lot of sense. Kind of like taking photos when you go to a theme park... why wouldn't you have photos of your time with friends in VR? I do think the photos taken in VR should be 2d + 360.

I would imagine that the little thing on the front of his Rift is a combination of the efforts of NimbleVR and Pebbles as well as the efforts of the rest of the Oculus hardware team.

Heroic Explorer


jon said:

So, at :04 in the sync'd F8 conference demo video linked here:

....what is that black bar on the front of the CV1 he's using?  It looks somewhat like a covered Leap Motion controller, but the dimensions seem a bit off.

That is actually very cool! The idea that you could take people on a virtual tour of your holiday etc is very cool.

Expert Trustee
Yeah, I posted this in another thread too, right after I'd complained about the lack of social features.   :s
I've also wondered what Oculus is going to do with their acquisition of NimbleVR and Pebbles.  Maybe that's much further down the line (ie CV2).  

While the presentation was little more than a live commercial, it definitely showed off the Touch controllers.  Great dexterity and natural gestures make me excited for Touch.
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C Clarke

Expert Protege

jon said:

So, at :04 in the sync'd F8 conference demo video linked here:

....what is that black bar on the front of the CV1 he's using?  It looks somewhat like a covered Leap Motion controller, but the dimensions seem a bit off.

The black bar could be the new Leap Motion mount that is slightly curved for the CV1 and Vive. I have pre-ordered one and look forward to receiving it to then be able to fit and use my Leap Motion.  🙂

this looks like a lot of fun.
Excuse my bad english. I speak to you through the google translator. 😛