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What the heck Oculus???

Just when I thought I couldn't possibly get more angry at frigging Oculus for this botch job launch, I read a report on Road to VR that someone who ordered within 60 minutes is getting their Rift??? My order email came in at 8 minutes! Why the hell is someone who ordered 52 minutes after me getting theirs first?

And just as bad, why are people that are buying PC bundles just now getting their Rifts shipped immediately when you HAVEN'T EVEN FULFILLED YOUR PRE-ORDERS YET? What kind of treatment of your customers do you call that? If I have to wait, why should they get theirs immediately? How does that make any sense? How does this build customer trust? How do you expect us to feel about the way you are treating us?

Why are customers who's updated shipping estimates are the May 23rd to June 2nd getting their Rifts when my updated estimate is 2-12 of May and I haven't gotten mine yet? Are you all out of your collective God-damned minds???

I can understand a component shortage causing a delay... I think it's bull when you started production in October, but I can understand unforeseen things happening. But when you fill the orders completely out of order, show preference to those who didn't jump in line immediately when pre-orders opened, and then have the friggin' GALL to go on PC Gamer acting all proud and like you are so great, I have had about enough of you!
Alienware 17 R3 w/ 2160p monitor Core i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz, Boost @ 3.5GHz 16GB RAM, 64 bit Win10 Nvidia GeForce 980ti DK1, DK2, CV1 order w/in 30 sec. of sale. Vive order w/ in 5 min. of sale. PSVR soon. Fanatec Clubsport V2 wheel, pedals and shifter

Not applicable
More glad than ever that I cancelled my Rift. Oculus may not have wanted or meant for this to happen, but once again they've handled it about as badly as they could have done.

As for the sarcastic response from Palmer Luckey, I'd argue that his customers ARE more important. Without their support over the past few years, there would be no Oculus Rift to sell to all these big retailers! He needs to spend some of his millions on a good PR teacher.

Rising Star
That reply shows his true colors & immaturity LoL. And what's with all the sycophantic apologists for "poor" Oculus when guys like EliteSPA are expressing genuine & understandable anger, only to be admonished for his language ? Bloody Hell grow up as people can express how they want ! Talk about pathetic censorship. All the double talk about business partners & profits just highlights the total disconnect with the original ethos & loyalty to the customer. We will live with it but don't lecture people on how they should feel or express their frustration - that is totally wrong.


When it became clear that you couldn't fulfill the unrealistic commitments you'd already made, why did you continue making more commitments? You opened direct-sale orders on January 6th and didn't realize you had a component shortage until three months later? What a crock. My nephew in preschool tells more convincing stories about where the cookies went.

The PCs your partners want to sell are at risk of shipping with obsolete GPUs, that's why the people who put you where you are aren't a priority anymore. People who already have Oculus-ready PCs probably built their own, so the product you want your partners to deliver - the one that's supposed to sell newcomers on the value proposition of PC gaming - will have GPU that reaches EoL status within weeks from the time they receive them.

Developers have no revenue because you haven't delivered them any customers. Customers are disappointed because you knowingly promised to deliver their product in a timeframe you couldn't, then pretended everything was going smoothly until after your competitor's product launch. Business partners are on the verge of shipping obsolete hardware. People new to PC are going to get a product that serves to reinforce the stereotype of PC hardware constantly needing to be upgraded.

What other surprises do you have in store for us? I've worked in manufacturing - I know that if you don't already have near-final Touch hardware ready, it's notshipping in volume this year. So if you already know how much it's going to cost to manufacture Touch, why is the price still a secret?

All these mistakes and here you are, still ample time and hubris left over to casually deride would-be customers.

i7 6700K @ 4.2 GHz | Corsair 16GB DDR4 PC2300 | GTX 1080 Ti | Asus z170-Pro | Corsair RGB Strafe Keyboard | Logitech G27 | Oculus CV1 + Touch + 4 Sensors | Win 10 64 bit | Acer Predator x34 @ 100Hz


andyring said:

In all fairness Elite, you've been waiting 3 or 4 weeks (since about 29th of March).

They PC scam is quite disgusting - they should have had to pay for the PCs.

Nobody has been cheated except the companies doing the PC and Rift deal - they are missing out on selling a PC.

I don't like big feet, they remind me of gammon.

Honored Guest
They made sure the PC bundles got their units first while knowing the pre-order people would be left short. Fuck...


Palmer Luckey may well be a bit of a dick, but then we're all guilty of that sometimes.

All this boring carrying on with complaints about delays, shipping, blah, blah, blah. Either shut up and wait or do what the likes of notsram did, and cancel.

I remember a big fat bastard and his family pushing past an entire queue at Paris Disney a few years back - it didn't bother me, some people are simply rude and disrespectful, let 'em get on with it - but I was surprised that nobody out of the hundreds queuing said a word, either. It's funny how people are quick to complain, shout and generally make a big fuss about things on the internet, but not so quick when face-to-face.  

Stick said people in front of Mr Luckey in person, and well, they'd probably be a sycophantic hypocrite.  

The reason that people arent cancelling is cause Oculus is better product then Vive, is lighter and the SDE is less pronunciable. I have the Vive for a week ago. But believe me if both were the same specs Im sure they have sold 0 rifts.
i7 6700K @ 4.2 GHz | Corsair 16GB DDR4 PC2300 | GTX 1080 Ti | Asus z170-Pro | Corsair RGB Strafe Keyboard | Logitech G27 | Oculus CV1 + Touch + 4 Sensors | Win 10 64 bit | Acer Predator x34 @ 100Hz

Not too many business founders volunteer to take on the mantle of PR then proceed to treat their customer base like shite. So even acting like "a bit of a dick" occasionally is an unreasonable action.

And this isn't an act that should be ignored by simply taking our business elsewhere. These inexcusable actions sends ripples across the tenuous fabric of infant VR. A thinly stretched fabric that is already prone to tear easily. Simply put, this unprofessional attitude affects the young industry as a whole.

Rising Star
CardinalStorm options 1. Shutup & wait or 2. Cancel ...sorry, you never heard of democracy or freedom of expression ? And to your analogy of real life que jumpers, they get called out all the time where I grew up and I have done so on more than few times. But the point is nobody likes to roll over and simply take it up the khyber-pass, at least not where I come from !

Expert Protege

EliteSPA said:

EliteSPA said: tell me.

I'll tell you: express your feelings in a controlled, respectful way instead of getting so wound up. Also, I have no idea why you would want a T-shirt or any other "prize" from a company who you have such negative feelings about? If you don't feel like writing good things which help people, then don't. Certainly your complaints (even with the cursing removed) will not fall on sympathetic ears if you continue with this tone.

Sorry but as customer I have the right to speech about my feelings, this is not North Korea FFS. Im sure there are a lot of people in the same boat but afraid to talk, but sorry Im not. If you dont like my statement about this whole mess up process about shipping then dont read my post. Everybody is free to speech!

I don't want to be that guy but technically your right to free speech is only protected from Government interference.  When it comes to private business and enterprises, the only rights you do have are: life, liberty, property and some protections from mercantile transaction.  Just FYI

I can wait, no problem. Its such a first world problem to have. Although I would have liked Palmer to maybe post some pics from the manufacturing plant etc .. to show that stuff is moving rather than how much fun he is having attending premiers of various shows :neutral: 
Core i7-7700k @ 4.9 Ghz | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 3000Mhz | 2x 1TB Samsung Evo | 2x 4GB WD Black
ASUS MAXIMUS IX HERO | MSI AERO GTX 1080 OC @ 2000Mhz | Corsair Carbide Series 400C White (RGB FTW!) 

Be kind to one another 🙂