04-09-2016 04:47 AM
04-11-2016 07:07 AM
RedX801 said:
Not even 30 minutes worth yet... Guess a lot of people ordered within 30 minutes.
04-11-2016 07:10 AM
samsungtx said:
@hubick You are absolutely correct. Why haven't they (OCULUS/FACEBOOK) at least shipped one (1) days worth of product. This shit is beyond crazy....never-the-less acceptable!
1/2 a month PAST the initial launch day...and we still don't have enough Rifts in the wild!
Pisssss Poor Planning
04-11-2016 07:12 AM
9 Full business days and they are not even past 6 minutes worth of orders... LOL. The fact that people are tracking orders at the "seconds" level is CRAZY.. The fact that it is the only semi reliable way to determine when you might be getting your order is worse.
04-11-2016 07:43 AM
04-11-2016 07:47 AM