09-10-2014 12:40 AM
09-10-2014 02:53 AM
"wazzoz99" wrote:
The PAX website and the Oculus event page doesnt have any information on which day the Oculus rift will be demoed.
09-10-2014 03:10 AM
"wazzoz99" wrote:
I was going to buy the dk2 because i just cant wait for the consumer version, but ive realised it would be inappropriate for me to have a dev kit as a mere consumer. So ive opted to pay the exorbitant fee of 55 dollars to attend PAX AUSTRALIA to try out the kit.
The problem is, i dont know which day the Oculus team will be featuring its headset, and i cant afford the 3 day pass. Does anyone know which day i should attend to try out the devkit for myself. The PAX website and the Oculus event page doesnt have any information on which day the Oculus rift will be demoed.
09-11-2014 02:59 PM
"wazzoz99" wrote:
I was going to buy the dk2 because i just cant wait for the consumer version, but ive realised it would be inappropriate for me to have a dev kit as a mere consumer. So ive opted to pay the exorbitant fee of 55 dollars to attend PAX AUSTRALIA to try out the kit.
The problem is, i dont know which day the Oculus team will be featuring its headset, and i cant afford the 3 day pass. Does anyone know which day i should attend to try out the devkit for myself. The PAX website and the Oculus event page doesnt have any information on which day the Oculus rift will be demoed.
09-11-2014 06:43 PM
09-12-2014 04:23 AM
"diablosv21" wrote:
Zero Latency will also be on the panel with Oculus and Sixense