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Windows 10 - Dont do it or help me!

So I am dummy, I installed windows 10 and Im having no luck. Oculus tool even crashes.Nothing works.

I didn't want to deal with anymore headaches then already there with the current broken sdk and run-time so I reverted back to win 8.1......still a littler curious how after all this time a dk3 can be created but direct to rift is still broken.

"shannonb1" wrote:
I didn't want to deal with anymore headaches then already there with the current broken sdk and run-time so I reverted back to win 8.1......still a littler curious how after all this time a dk3 can be created but direct to rift is still broken.

There is no DK3. All Oculus showed was one of many prototypes they have.

I assume they have skipped Windows 9 due to lazy coding issues? or maybe they didn't want to deal with the advertising campaign in Germany 🙂

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I hear they skipped over 10 because they want Windows 10 to be a "perfect 10". It really is quite good, very fast, takes the bullshit out of 8, and brings the good of 7. I got the demo working so far which is a good sign but I cant "Open with Oculus Rift", nor can I open certain things in direct mode, and there seems to be a possible issue with external mode. I'm almost certain if you put it into external mode and reboot your computer it might work.

UPDATE: I got it working in extended mode with Virtual Desktop. The only problem is is a judder issue. If anyone knows how to smoothen the judder please reply.

UPDATE 2: Fixed the Judder issue by making the Oculus Rift my main display. The new issue, is that I cannot see the time on the screen, some screens wont open and, theres shortcuts missing.

I believe if you want it to run without judder you will probably have to repeat the process of disabling it as a main display and resetting it as a main display but I have yet to test this theory. (if someone wants to try it)

Honored Guest
I upgraded to Win10 Tech Preview Sunday, and haven't had any issue with Oculus Runtime or any Rift Demos I've booted up. Worked perfectly.

I'm one of the few that misses the Start Screen!

I think I will add a bunch of tiles to the start menu to make it more useful. Start Menu is a relic of the past that should stay there.. for now this compromise is good enough.

As far as helping.. all I can suggest is making sure you install latest graphics drivers, I'm not having any issues myself.

Honored Guest
"zedx" wrote:

UPDATE: I got it working in extended mode with Virtual Desktop. The only problem is is a judder issue. If anyone knows how to smoothen the judder please reply.

The thing that stops judder 95% of the time for me is making sure my main display is at 75Hz.. for me this means running a significantly reduced resolution (native is 2560x1440@60, I have to run at 1280x1024 or something horrid)

If that doesn't work then I've had to set the Rift as main display (Minecraft is unplayable in VR unless Rift is main, Windlands is unplayable in extended but great direct for me)

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"darkydan" wrote:

I'm one of the few that misses the Start Screen!

Then you should use start screen.

Honored Guest
Windows 10 it is rumoured is actually Windows 9 which was renamed due to bad code out in the wild which would mistakenly identify Windows 9 for 95 or 98. Up to around 4000 apps could have been affected apparently.

Microsoft however have remained schtum.

Hi All,

i have clean install the Windows 10 and updated now to the latest Build 7989, But the Rift Config Tool do not found my Rift.

Not sure if its a problem on my PC, because on this PC its the first time i use the RIFT.

Is the DK2 on your site runnnig on Windows 10 Build 9879 ?

I can't wait to install windows 10...

...about a year after it is released and every one of my software providers finally gets around to updating for it.
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