07-18-2020 09:58 PM
07-18-2020 11:18 PM
Pixie40 said:
Yeah, I know my problems are a laugh riot considering how bad other people are. I have my health, a home, food to eat, and an Oculus Quest. What do I have to complain about, right? It's that Room Scale vr requires so dang much space. 🙂 I've rearranged my living room a few times now trying to find the perfect layout that works with VR. And with my thinking of buying a new computer desk (my old one died when I moved, and I'm using my dining table for a computer desk right now). But this lead me to a mini-panic over where the frell I'd put my table until I can get rid of it. This culminated with me opening up MS Paint, grabbing my tape measure, and painstakingly recreating my apartment in MS Paint. Oh, and creating silhouettes of my furniture for use in planning things. Oh yeah, and a 6.5 foot by 6.5 foot (scale) outline for the VR play space since that's the minimum space needed for Room Scale.As it turns out, I have more room in my living room then I thought I did. While tinkering with furniture layouts I realized that if I got rid of the table and was willing to move my chair, I could have a play space that's 13 foot x 10 foot. As it is, I can easily get a 6.5x6.5 foot playspace even with keeping the table and not moving the chair. And it has plenty of space to help prevent disasters such as running into the TV. Or I could leave my table where it is and set up the desk in the living room area so I can do Oculus (desktop) and Steam room scale via Oculus Link. But... ARGH, too many options!Yeah, I know... My problems are very much First World issues and ultimately trivial. Still, anyone else found they had to create a CAD mock-up of their home to plan out their VR play space?
07-18-2020 11:55 PM
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