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Y u no update your own forum

@cybereality I've got to ask the question as I've not seen it asked before except in passing in other threads

why doesn't the information on reddit get posted to the oculus forum (you know, the official site on your own systems that people go to for information)??

i don't use reddit.. Never have and I'm not really interested in starting. I usually think that the forums run by the company is the place to find information from the company.

so why isn't this true?? Pretty sure I'm not looking at reality through some sort of glasses affair (because that got delayed by weeks), but having to get people in the community to repost reddit comments so that people get the information you guys are providing is screwed up...
Though you are more than slightly incoherent, I agree with you Madam,
a plum is a terrible thing to do to a nostril.

Rising Star
Im reasonably Pro Rift....but do agree with OP.

The less on reddit, forces more info on here. The official Oculus forum.

Seems odd.
Drift VFX Visual, Virtual , Vertical Want 970GTX on Macbook for good FPS?

I believe these so-called "official" forums are not moderated by Oculus. @cybereality is not employed by Oculus to do that job, although I don't know what his actual job is.
If Oculus spent some of the "Facebook billions" setting up a proper official forum and employing a team of moderators, this place wouldn't be such a mess and people wouldn't need to go to reddit for their Oculus info.

The misconception here is that anyone is owed any kind of an explanation to anything.    Just because a mob of people on a forum demand answers doesn't mean that they are officially owed an explanation. 

The remedy is to either wait for your Rift or cancel your order.    Not much more to it than that.   I doubt Oculus knew what the demand volume would be and its understandable that they didn't want to pay for an overstock.   People who wanted their Rift on the release date had almost a half a decade to back the project on kickstarter. 

Expert Protege
Obviously you don't know the purpose of reddit. Reddit isn't some random forum, it's a place where information can be disseminated to people asking questions either through the AMA or through the particular sub-reddit community you are reading.  It's a place where experts and company employees can "personally" answer questions asked.

A company's forum is just that, a forum; a place for their community to discuss things that are going on.

I agree with OP about the Oculus forums needing more attention from, you know.. Oculus... but at the same time, in my opinion Reddit is an infinitely better structure for discussion and dissemination of information.

If Oculus staff find themselves drawn to using Reddit instead of their own forums, well, to me that's really not surprising at all. Plenty of other companies I can think of where the same thing happens as well.

Rising Star
These forums were originally "developer forums", and as such they didn't post updates here because only developers were supposed to be here. So now, the number of people here are minuscule compared to the number of people who read Reddit. If a company is going to announce something, better to target tens of thousands of viewers in one post than just a few hundred people.

if these things were hand written on pen and paper I may agree with you, but in the age of copy and paste, I do not buy it......... sure post on reddit/friendface/what ever hipster social media you choose, but at least copy and paste it to the forums.
Fiat Coupe, gone. 350Z gone. Dirty nappies, no sleep & practical transport incoming. Thank goodness for VR 🙂

Rising Star
But why should they when people here do it for them? Also, most Oculus posts on Reddit are replying to other comments in Reddit threads, posting just the response wouldn't make sense.

Rising Star

Obviously you don't know the purpose of reddit. Reddit isn't some random forum, it's a place where information can be disseminated to people asking questions either through the AMA or through the particular sub-reddit community you are reading.  It's a place where experts and company employees can "personally" answer questions asked.

A company's forum is just that, a forum; a place for their community to discuss things that are going on.

What a load of hogwash. So someone doesn't like reddit equals them not understanding the purpose of Reddit? Sorry but that is just stupid. Like I said before, I do not like Reddit, the mods on there or the owners of it. In fact, to me Reddit is just as pointless as any of the chan sites(including the ones on Silk road).

Reddit is a forum period, nothing is going to change that tiny fact. Just because plenty have adopted it as some kind of go to place for everything, does not change that.

Thing is, this site and it's forums are no longer pure developer forums and are part of Oculus. Logic dictates they post here too, but they don't. It is rather stupid to come to find answers on Oculus site, to not find it, then being redirected to Reddit to find your answer. In that case, just link this forum directly to Reddit and be done with it. Apparently there was no need for a fancy little Forum upgrade.

Oh and whilst we are at it, lets link Support and Technical Support for anything related to Oculus and the Rift to Reddit as well. Afterall, they don';t bother answering here.

Heroic Explorer
Ran into this problem with Kerbal Space Program too. They make important updates via Twitter and Reddit and almost NEVER through their own forums.

Irritates me.