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Forum Posts

VR headsets rental scheme

Hi everyone, I am a small business in the VR space and I have a client that wants to run a pilot with my product. The problem is that they don't want to invest in the VR headsets for the pilot but if the pilot is successful they want to invest. Being...

Man attempts to spend 1 week in VR non-stop.

168 hours. Multiple headsets. One fascinating livestream.What’s the longest amount of time you’ve spent immersed in VR? Three, maybe four hours? Don’t worry, I won’t judge. After all, it’s easy to lose track of time while slicing through colored bloc...

How to check for your $15 store credit.

Hi all, have received numerous questions regarding this so here is a bullet point summary:Your $15 (or your currency equivalent) will be applied within 7 days to your accountTo qualify you must have used your Rift on or after February 1st 2018Store c...


Oculus Rift Instructors (Online - Worldwide)

Job Title: Oculus Rift Instructors (Online - Worldwide)Vancouver Animation School is seeking Oculus Rift Instructors (Online - Worldwide) to join our team. Vancouver Animation School is devoted to educate aspiring artists in the diverse disciplines t...

Oculus Quest Release Date?

What is the expected Oculus Quest release date. Does anyone have a clue when the Oculus Quest will likely release? Spring 2019 is quite a large window. Oculus GO released May 1st is Quest going to follow the same path? Ideas on a postcard please.

Steam VR and inside out tracking question.

I'm really looking forward to Rift S, but I just have a question. Will inside out tracking work with games that only use Steam VR? I know some games give you an option to use Rift tracking in Steam, but will all this change once inside tracking is us...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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how to get this game????

오큘러스 리프트를 구매햇습니다. 오큘러스 리프트를 구매하면 무료로 플레이 할 수 있다는 로보 리콜(robo recall) 이라는게임을 다운받아 플레이 해보려고 햇는데오큘러스 홈페이지나 오큘러스 홈에서 다운조차 못받을뿐더러 인터넷에 공유된 지식조차 없네요어떻게 이 게임을 다운받아 플레이 할 수 있을까요?

gooooodie by Honored Guest
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From Other Suns Grayed out Quick Join button

Anyone else have a grayed out quick join button in From Other Suns FOS. I love FOS but I only really like to play with others. When I open game, I am only able to play single player. The quick join QJ button is grayed out. It worked last year but I s...

Does Oculus sell the rift on it's own?

I broke my headset and i have been wanting a new one for a month now but when I looked in the store i could only but the oculus + rift controllers etcetera as one bundle but i already have those and I don't want to have to spend an extra £100+ for so...

Splaat_ by Honored Guest
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Any one managed to get a Repair Rift One kit yet?

I'm just wondering has anyone tried send a request out, and actually got one? I'd like to try it out since unfortunately my Rift's built-in headphones stopped working several months ago. I emailed a request for the kit the day it was announced by Pal...

Impressions: Ubisoft's "Escape the lost pyramid" on Vive Pro

I thought i share some thoughts on Ubisofts "Live VR escape room" experience ; I learned about it by accident when visiting a friend who is a VR nut too. We spontaneously decided to try it ...

logotomie by Expert Protege
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Will the Valve knuckles come to the rift?

So I know that valve is heavily involved/major partner with HTC on the Vive.BUTSince the new vive Pro is shipping without the knuckles, and the knuckles are decidedly named the "Valve Knuckles", do you think there is ANY possibility of them becoming ...

Glaidr by Protege
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is the 1060 3g enough for reading text in vr and casual vr'ing

I bought a dell 5680 for light to casual gaming ,I also went ahead and purchased a rift also light to casual gaming. When looking through the rift is kinda hard to see the text unless I move close to them .is that because of my setup or is that just ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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DK2 used parts

Does anyone have any DK2 parts for sale?Specifically the camera mounting bracket.Thanks

mjarret1 by Honored Guest
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VR Teslasuit

Someone on my facebook linked me to this arcticle and thought I'd share. A bit expensive. ... al-Reality

Slaghton by Honored Guest
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ESL + Oculus = VR Multiplayer Tourny with $250K

Looks like both the Rift and Quest will usher in a new era of eSports in VR.VR League has the largest prize pool in its historyESL, the world’s largest esports company, and Oculus, today announced VR League: Season 3 will kickoff with a showmatch on ...

GTX 760?

Oculus says that the recommended CPU is GTX 970 to run smoothly. However, will 760 work aswell? It obviously won't be as good as the 970, but will it be acceptable good? Does anyone have experience with the 760 on the DK2? Appreciate answers.

traczy by Honored Guest
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About the details of the Oculus Rift hdmi cable

What kind of hdmi cable MUST i buy in order to extend my vr head set? ive already blown about $80 and am tired to blow money on items that is not compatable with the oculus rift vr headset. It gets power pc picks it up but the vr shows no signal, it ...

comores by Honored Guest
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Space Junkies Keys

I got some extra keys so here you go...8J7CGJ92ZF6Q D98PNYD3TKZC XK2BXF24HTT2Provide your friend with a Beta Access Code and have them head over here:

Fredd32 by Heroic Explorer
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Best value upgrade to improve VR?

Hi Everyone,I am using my previous model PC downstairs as a dedicated Rift machine. No other usage except for the occasional blu ray on the projector. Currently it has an i5-3570 (non k), a 970, and 16GB of RAM. It starts to get sluggish on more dema...

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