Hardlight VR Turned Off!
I downloaded a game on the weekend special which expires in 12 hours. I decided I didn't want the game and tried to cancel the download, but wasn't able to.I have not installed it, but it does show up in my library.If I click on the three dots under ...
please, someone has the affectedd experiences and titans of the space or titans space, for pc and oculos dk2 and runtime
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgTUOuMdPcAToday we are going to be taking a look at the recently released Transference. I tried to fire it up right after it was released but unfortunately ran into the dreaded Uplay log in bug. After an eternity on c...
how do you get friends on here
please, someone has the experience, titans of space for oops dk2 and dk1, version 1.5 and 1.7 and 1.8 for windows
please, someone has the experience, titans of space for oops dk2 and dk1, version 1.5 and 1.7 and 1.8 for windows
I have seen a few threads, and a note about Oculus for Business - but nothing definitive. I am using the Go's for exhibition (wouldn't call it business, I'm showing things for education and at art galleries, free, nothing for sale) I sideloaded over-...
hello all I installed beat saber for free now I need to uninstall will I need to pay for it now
Buenas noches, alguien tiene titans of space para oculos dk2 y dk1 para pc?
Great new community site for a one-stop shop of all tips n tricks for all things Oculus:https://oculustips.com/
i read somewhere oculus may use an upscaler for cv2, so i decided to share my test pattern, i uploaded the file below.video at youtube removed due to loss of quality, the original file has been uploaded.use it to test how well the upscaler works and ...
which player is sargon of Akkad? ...I watched one of his youtube videos ( he has quite a few) and I noticed that he had the oculus icon in his taskbar ….enquiring minds and all that ….. discuss !
Will the Oculus Sensors work ok if mounted from ceiling plus if they do what are the best USB extension cable I can use to run them.
Hi I'd like to order the Dev Kit 2 However on the Order page Malaysia is not a country you ship to? Any reason for this.THanks.
Hi, When will oculus available in countries in south asia eg. Malaysia ?Regards,Raymond
Such as tittle, when i at order detail page, i cant find Malaysia at the Country.
OK I played the 2D version on PS4 recently but this is on another level. I think it's coming to PC as well.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZrl_m_XQcE
I Can't log in Oculus via vpn and got the below error, could anyone shred some light on this? thanks in advance
Oculus Venues: Your Virtual Ticket to OC5We partnered with Supersphere to let the VR community feel there without being there, thanks to a social VR livestream with Oculus Venues on Oculus Go and Gear VR. Given the uniquely social nature of Venues, y...
Hi All,My Oculus Rift is constantly plugged in. The thought of having to pack it away all the time and then drag it all back out was not appealing at all.The problem comes from the software that just refuses to close. It takes multiple attempts to sh...
OCULUS VR + TOUCH “RAK” GIVEAWAY *** Please read the rules, especially the last one. ***I am giving away one brand new Oculus VR + Touch + Extended Warranty via directship from Amazon. This is a legitimatepersonal contest and I have cleared it with O...
When I watch movies in the CV1, I don't seem to be able to judge what size screen I'm looking at? When I'm sat at my local cinema, which isn't very often. I can see I'm looking at a massive screen and can judge it's size. When I view a movie on the C...
hallo, und zwar versuche ich den oculus software zu downloaden, aber ich bekomme dauernd eine Verbindungs Fehler ! alles ist angeschlossen und mein Internet geht einwandfrei. was tun ?
hello to all, I have a problem with oculus tray tool, the tool remains freezed at startup and fails to start, I attached the log file, I hope we can solve the problem.
Just wanted to share this.Since starting to use the Oculus I've realised that storing it when not in use is awkward. It's bulky and delicate and I want to have a dedicated place for it. So I started searching for existing mounts and found really bulk...
The instructions below are in Oculus Support Section, but when I pull Oculus Home up, there is no "Environments" option under the Library: (Any ideas?)You can change the Oculus Home environment after you put on your Samsung Gear VR headset.To change ...
What is Oculus Connect usually about? Will we definitely hear about Santa Cruz or CV2 this month? I've just taken that we will, but is there a chance we won't hear a thing about them? I'm wishing the days away because I'm either buying a CV2, Santa C...