When is Oculus Go coming out?
I’ve been waiting for ages. I don’t have any VR headsets at all yet and this will probably be my 1st one.When?
I’ve been waiting for ages. I don’t have any VR headsets at all yet and this will probably be my 1st one.When?
Hello everyone!I hesitate to buy the oculus rift. In fact I would like to know if for a game that is not planned to work in VR (for example the first Bioshock), if it is possible to replace the view with the mouse by the movements of the oculus?I als...
I use the Virtual Desktop video player software to watch youtube videos, in (standard fisheye), I can set the fov the fisheye uses by moving the slider below the words "fisheye".Normally I like to use it a 90 fov, mostly for music videos, but some mu...
Use a small 60 fov fisheye monoscopic, a small visible area, inside of a large 180 degree fov. Then you have to move your head to see the different parts of the 180 fov area.Imagine you play 2D ms pac man in a maze that fits the 180 fov but you only ...
Hi Everyone, So I noticed a weird phenomenon while at work today. I wasusing Samsung gear VR and noticed that I had to actively try and focus oncertain objects in the play space. Even if I was looking directly at them, I hadto actually think about wh...
Ive recently started getting this error pop up more often. Typically I will put my PC to sleep rather than shut down and I never had this problem. Ive had it occur three times now in the last two days. Previously I rebooted the PC which takes about 1...
How to view 360 photos on Oculus Rift in Oculus 360 Photos? I have tried every possible combination but I always get "Error loading photo."Tried lowering/raising resolution, DPI and file size. Nothing that I have tried worked.Image is equirectangular...
https://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/7h6nva/smooth_locomotion_in_doomvfr_for_rift_i_scripted/@kojack not sure if you're still around buddy, but that thing you made ages ago has sent ripples through space and time. Thank you! And thanks to SpeakEa...
I really want to see some R rated content.Does anyone know what is going on the gaming world with respect to this?
Having some easy-to-use, easy-to-integrate trackers like the Vive tracker seems highly critical to advancing this medium, in my opinion. Is Oculus working on its own tracking puck like this?! https://www.vive.com/us/vive-tracker/Virtual reality is cu...
I wonder if this update will make it so fallout 4 will be more optimized for the rift. Steam is bragging how they are for all platforms. Anyone have an opinion how fallout 4 will work after. For example u need to use Xbox control to pull menus or oth...
Is it possible to get a USB hub with 3.0 and 2.0 so I have all the connections for the oculus rift
When I first set up I calibrated stood up. All was good for the robot experience. However, when I go into a racing game I'm under the car. Do I have to recalibrate or is there an easier way. Pressing a button to centralise would be sweet
So I got my replacement rift after I had the 'no sound in right earphone' issue and everything seemed fine until the other night when I tried to play games with low lighting, usually the scary typeI decided to revisit affected and straight away notic...
hi im new to vr limited funds im getting sensor to conect but head set wont connect cant continue with setup of dk2 with new oculus software
So I just got an inateck usb card to help with more usb ports needed. I have a total of 11 usb slots on my pc. With all the things I have hooked up I had to use all of the 4 ports in the front. I hated the wires so I bought the Inateck card to keep i...
Try this cool Contagion VR: Outbreak demo (if it doesn't crash on you). Very engaging and some nice atmosphere. http://store.steampowered.com/app/778490/
I bought the vrcover facial interface replacement and foam kit and found out my face is too big. The result of the vrcover product is it is smaller than the rift default facial interface mold, the result is a pinched face.its terrible I waited since ...
I found out the hard way that Oculus does not store game save in the cloud (wtf!) and I was playing the Mage's Tale. I was at the point where you need to put some items into some kind of statue or something right before you are shown where your maste...
Oculus,Despite having a superior product the oculus is simply not delivering the VR experience to the market. Why? Its games library is insignificant compared to the competition and on top of that, most of the oculus games are what in the old days we...
Looking damn good at 2880x1400 per eye I must say (78% resolution increase) but the icing on the cake was the fact that the hmd is actually wireless along with the news that HTC are bringing out a wireless adaptor for the original Vive well wow indee...
I'm spending my time now learning how to use core 2. Using the desktop I can make it act like two monitors But how do I have one screen showing my emails and the other showing the news, this board or another web page?
I used the pin on the desktop and can not figure out what it does so I don't know if it works or not love the keyboard nice and big. I ended up in the store by mistake and found out what the pin does. But does the dashboard need to be visible or not?...
How do you set up From other Suns to play like Onwards Locomotion? I was playing from Other Suns last night and I could only get through about 30 minutes before my mouth started salivating and saliva started to produce that feeling like you're about ...
Go figure, I'm new!!I had the Gear VR attached to my Facebook. I've purchased and setup the Oculus Rift. However when setting up the Rift I bypassed the Facebook setup and used a different email address. I've not purchased anything with the Rift so I...
Can you play other streaming services as well like Shomi? this is sooooo confusing, been looking for a while and cant find anything
How do i update my drivers for oculus. I have and alienware computer.
My Rift is 7 months out of warranty and Home says no HDMI detected. I need some help in determining if it is the cable or headset before I drop more money into this.
Hello, I am thinking about getting a Oculus Rift. The thing is it would not be used in a set "gaming room" but rather a full living room. I need little mobility as the ones who will be using this will be seated in place and at most move the controlle...
The Anime Viewing Society offers the best way to get together with fellow fans and watch anime in real-time through the use of VR. With the new year we are happy to announce that we are becoming accessible to those with Gear VR, PSVR, Oculus GO and D...