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(EDIT) Fixed by reinstalling Oculus Home

EDIT: fixed issue w/ reinstalling Oculus HomeComes on as normal, tracking everything works fine for a second on the warning screen and then suddenly it freezes or locks up with a timer on screen indefinitely. Anyone else confirm? Everything seems to ...

Oculus Rift DK2 is not supported on the Oculus platform?

Just went to the Oculus store and it says: "Oculus Rift DK2 is not supported on the Oculus platform for games and apps? What does this mean? Can I still play them in the DK2, if I purchase them using the desktop mirror screen? I want to play ADR1FT.

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Deskverse Keyboard only visible?

Hello all!Is it possible to make Deskverse keyboard visible without the desktop showing?And also can I use the keyboard within a non oculus app?I use FSX and I notice that when I fire up FSX, win destop appears and I nolonger have FSX VR....Good news...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Oculus Hot Plug through DP adapter or through HDMI

Hi everyone,Bit new to this so apologies if this has been asked before but is the Oculus Rift hot plugable through the DP to HDMI adapter? What I mean is that can I plug it in while my PC is up and running as one would a USD device or must I shut dow...

Carnajo by Honored Guest
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virtual desktop (blank screen)

Tonight I was watching a film (original Predator in case you wanted to know) , decided to swap to virtual desktop to watch on cinema screen, but every time I try to launch it, I get a black screen in the Rift. Was running fine prior and have restarte...

Solsland by Adventurer
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Boo Hoo! Alienware Area 51 has been demoted

I preordered my Oculus Bundle about a year ago with the Alienware Area 51. Now I see it is not even on the new main page of recommended Oculus-ready PCs.I know computer technology continues to advance at a breakneck speed, but this is still a little ...

How to get the demonstration kit

Hello, I would like to purchase the demonstration kit, hole of it, the furniture + the oculus system.Is that possible?. Is the price negociable? I'm prepared to make an offer.Regards,Florian

floyusuke by Honored Guest
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Tracking issues

I am having tracking issues, For some reason my onboard USB 3.0 ports do not work with the tracking sensor (the Rift headset is fine). I get major stuttering/jumping. So I have the sensor p[lugged into the USB 2.0 port. I ordered a USB 3.0 expansion ...

ssites22 by Honored Guest
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Question on using the Rift with Steam VR

Hey gang,Since getting my Rift back in Jan, I have only used it so far in Oculus Home or titles that have native Oculus support. A combat flight sim I like - IL-2 Battle of Stalingrad - will be implementing VR support next week. However as I understa...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Request for Promotional Materials

I'm surprised I only just thought of this, but does Oculus have a supplier for promotional stuff? Pens, cards, etc... Little things that one might pass out at a convention, for example. I'm hosting a virtual reality demonstration at work on Wednesday...

Nothlit by Honored Guest
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Apps/Games with captioning for the hearing impaired?

Our company works to bring educators and children together with next level tech. I'm curious as to know if there is a way to turn captioning on for the Rift so that teachers and students who are hearing-impaired would still be able to follow along wi...


Anyone else have a cat and their tiny little hairs somehow stick on the foam that touches your face? MAN IT'S ANNOYING!Tip of the Day: If you have a Rift, don't get a cat. If you have a Cat, keep it away from your Rift.Your face will tickle the whole...

A petition to FB/Oculus to Build a Treadmill

We need one of these! If Oculus designs it, it will win. They did a great job with motion control design, they can do the same with an exclusive treadmill design. Oculus... if you build it, I will come... with cash in hand! Please, DO THIS!

Pablito by Heroic Explorer
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Rockband VR Update 1.01 is Out persons having issues with Rockband VR should try it out again. Supposedly, the 360 Stratocasters should work now. Hopefully the minor chang...

GATOxVoS by Heroic Explorer
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Third sensor still coast way too much

Third sensor still coast way too much for what essentially isa requirement. Top of that for your third sensor you will also have topurchase a compatible extension cable and a compatible mounting system. Oculusneeds to come out with a third sensor opt...

zork2001 by Heroic Explorer
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Hope this is ok to postThe first Gaming Conventionheld WITHIN VRCreate your avatar and walk in our virtual venue: 72 hours of Gaming, Panels and AMAs with more than 20,000 gamers, developers and cosplayers you can sign up here for a chance to win a H...

KarlRoe by Explorer
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Vive Finally Abandoning Roomscale! above is the first step in the process.Now the healing can begin... but at least for a while, it was funny watching those You Tube vids.

Pablito by Heroic Explorer
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