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Forum Posts

Oculus Medium Crashes after Seconds

Hey. I bought the Oculus only for the use of medium. Sadly its crashing on start.I have 2 nvidia gtx 980 graficcards. Tried several stuff I found in the net (registry, install grafics new, Bios, disable other programs), but nothing worked for me..I h...

Micro stutter in games

Hi,For a while, when i first start my pc, all games are smooth as they should be. But after a length of time leaving the pc on, i noticed that the games would feel choppy. Reporting 60fps but feeling like 30 because of microstutter. A restart would f...

Phil007 by Protege
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second sensor

I have the touch and have that sensor hooked up but what is the second sensor ??

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Any suggestions on how to minimize stress on HDMI port?

With the headset directly connected to the HDMI port, I was wondering if there is anything the community is doing to minimize movement of the cable at the HDMI port on the graphics card? Wasn't too worried about it until I got the touch controllers a...

Your Top Rated VR Game/Experiences of 2016

A lot of cool experiences in the year 2016 but if you had to choose one that you'd rate the highest what would it be?For me I spent a lot of time across multiple systems and really enjoyed them all but I'm going to be deliberately awkward and say the...

Anyone explain my weird screendoor effect?

Basically, if I look at a 'background' image texture through my rift I get quite a noticeable screen door effect, which I understand is just having our eyes really close to an LCD, so you see the individual pixels.What I don't understand is if I then...

where are all the oculus apps and games?

whats happening on oculus store? on steamvr there is new games everyday and quite a few free/demos, on oculus i aint seen any new ones and very limited free/demos. ive already spent over £150 on games on oculus store and half of them aint very good a...

reefy86 by Adventurer
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Trying to watch vr video but playing only audio no video.

I just bought rift and new computer for oculus today. I just downloaded the vr video and tried to play but no video only audio. I tried to play with virtual desktop but it doesn't work. Please help me finding issue. I am sorry for my broken English.

min3040 by Honored Guest
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USB2 extension for 3rd sensor

Hi all,My 3rd sensor arrives tomorrow and I have a quick question about extension cables. I believe the sensor comes with a 16ft USB extension cable but the wall I want to mount this sensor on will require close to 30ft of cable. Do you think I will ...

Creesball by Expert Protege
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Library Catagories

I think it would be really helpful to be able to sort our programs in our Library into Categories. (Dare I say it, like they do on Steam). As we buy more and more programs the only simplification possibility at the moment is Installed or Uninstalled....

Unable to download games whilst playing anything

I know this has been a 'feature' since launch but why on earth is there STILL no option in Home's settings to allow downloads while you're playing something else? The Touch launch lineup is great, but I'm sitting here not able to play anything at all...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Just Ordered Touch but need to know a couple of things. Thanks!

First of all how long is the usb cable on the second sensor? And also what is an active usb extension cable if I end up needing one? Can someone give my a link to one that works in the United Kingdom? I'd prefer to get it from amazon if someone can r...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Skip Touch Tutorial

Is there any way to skip the touch tutorial? I've done it 3 times now (making changes to my setup) and the only way I have found to get out of it is with task manager, using a forced end.

Oculus rift advertising

As a new brand i realise its hard to be a marketing force overnight, but i feel oculus had such an headstart on HTC's vive in the VR market that the vive wouldnt be much competition with the backing of developers, and a company as reknown as facebook...

Is playstation vr doomed? Says the article

I don't get this. There has been more articles besides this link. Playstation vr sold 750,000 units. The article says they didn't sell what was predicted. 1st those 750,000 sold out right away. How can they sell over that when they are still out of s...

inovator by Consultant
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Do you use any protector for the lenses?

Hello,With my DK2 I used savvies and was great,very well protected.The lens are flat and sticks perfect.But cv1 lens are curved and this savvies doen't works.And are bigger than the dk2.Do you know if there are savvies for the cv1?Do you use somethin...

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Viewing GEAR 360 on the RIFT

I have a Gear 360-would like to view the videos on the Rift as opposed to the Gear VR...but the only way I seem to be able to transfer the videos is with the editor software that comes with the 360 and that sends it to UTUBE. If I transfer the videos...

Where can I find 'Onward'

Was planning on buying 'Onward' this evening. Can't seem to find it in Oculus store or Steam.Can anyone point me to where I can buy please?

Solsland by Adventurer
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Oculus cv1 ever connected to pc

Hi, a friend of mine asks if it is a bad idea that the cv1 is always connected to the usb port when oculus home is off.His PC is On 16 hours a day and cv1 always plugged but not playing or using it all the time.He tolds me hmd has a looooooow feel of...

Anyone reserved a Rivvr?

So pre orders have started for Rivvr wireless accessory for VR headsets, has anyone else ordered one? It's $60 to reserve one and the final price ranges between $199 to $259 depending on what version you want.I went for head mounted with 6 hour batte...

mambo1888 by Rising Star
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Update Notes for games and apps.

I miss links to update notes on Oculus Home. Your game has been updated does not really cut it for me, i need to know what to look for if im giving the game another go.It could be new content, improvents or bug fixing. There are ways to figure out wh...

Arranox by Protege
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