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Suggestion for oculus home... and in general...

Hello guys! I have s suggestion!!!! (like if nobody else have already flooded them with suggestions...)Aniway... I have noticed that a lot of ppl in the "VR-World" keeop saying that vive sold more, oculus community is dead etc...I'm wandering, wi not...

Kalec84 by Heroic Explorer
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Hello, Does anyone know what are the best encoding settings to get and display a video in oculus rift CV1 ? (resolution, framerate, bitrate)I try Samsung Gear VR settings (H264) : 3840*1920 video @ 30 FPS2048x2048 video @ 60 FPSBitrate : 20 Mb/sbut i...

Can you return your oculus rift for a refund

As the title suggest. i cant find any info anywhere on returning the rift back for a refund. you should be allotted the usual 15 to 30 days to return an item bought back surely right?

walleo by Explorer
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Best Disposable EYE MASK for VR

Hi all,As I'm going to share my occulus with a lot of people (maybe on events/exhibitions), I'm looking for the best protective maskDo any of you have already tested one of them?I found these ones on-line:

rapapar by Honored Guest
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Anyone using A-Frame for WebVR?

Aside from great games, I'm fairly certain that the future of VR will rest heavily within the realm of enterprise application development. Or simply, web app's.If you haven't tried out any VR web app's yet, there's a great project: Mozilla VR at, htt...

Shipping Soon Email

Just got an email that says that my order has been processed for my Oculus Rift. When should I expect an email with the shipping information. The email came at 2:30pm today July 5th.

Chronos question.

I wanted to upgrade my axe. The power was shown as 62 (+43) I did as instructions said to press the x button to upgrade. Nothing seemed to happen it still showed 62 (+43) shouldn't the 62 have gone higher? Thanks in advance for any advise.

inovator by Consultant
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Oculus Growing Quite Well...

With all these games up for vote, it made me stop and think about how far Oculus has come in a short time(CV1 period). The games in review are all "meaty" and represent bold attempts at stretching the bounds of VR with one new and unique experience a...

Pablito by Heroic Explorer
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Red Tint fix?

Keep hearing that a future update will be coming to help alleviate the red tint issue. Based on the poll here it looks like 70% of the people that voted do have some degree of red tint. I have some that does bother me in dark environments but I don't...

Will touch controllers work will CV2?

Will touch controllers work willl CV2? I ask because the longer we are without them the closer we get to CV2. Also, it would end up been quite an expensive hobby this VR gaming, if we had to buy another set of touch controllers for CV2. Does anyone k...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Resolved! How do I uninstall games?

Hi just a quick question, I'm sure there is an easy way of doing this but I can't find it on my own, silly me. I don't need to have all the stuff I purchased installed on my hardrive all the time, after I play a game I 'd rather uninstall it untill s...

jrbm2 by Honored Guest
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Resolved! Blaze Rush not saving Career

I think the issue is, that my "Documents/My Games" does not exist and I have no idea how to restore it (and tell windows, that it is there again). Does anyone know how to do it?

Epoxian by Explorer
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Delivery times for the CV1?

Ive been looking at Reddit and a couple of other places and it looks like the speed of Oculus deliveries is picking up (always good) Has anybody ordered one recently and got a shipping update?Also, Ive seen a lot of people working out their place in ...

mozza54 by Explorer
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Can we get reviews in the store?

Hi. Just wondering why games/apps sold in the Oculus store do not have any user reviews. If they do apologies I've clearly missed it! Anyway I think it is an important feature as there is an awful lot of rubbish out there. Just a thought!

sennapod by Honored Guest
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Project cars does not work on consumer rift!!!!!!

i seem to be getting no help with this! I have had my oculus rift for a week now and I still can't play project cars! I'm getting no support and there are many on various forums with this issue getting no answers! I purchased project cars from the oc...

smoovone by Explorer
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Corruption with OVR_Multiview with oculus mobile SDK 1.0.3

I am working on integrating oculus SDK with my framework with multi view support. But i am getting corruption. if i dont execute any draw call, i see some corruption on first view whereas second view looks fine. if i call drawinstanced, if my object ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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My Major Issue with the Rift...

Vertigo!Now, I'd like to think of myself as being no wuss but I've yet to get up the nerve to walk to the edge of the ledge and look down over the city during the Dreamdeck sequence - the effect is that convincing!I've done over a dozen parachute jum...

sdplayer by Expert Protege
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hi just run the Oculus test on my pc. and it told me that i need a cpu my i7-2600k cpu@3.40ghz no good for vr and the Oculus head mounted display. also going to be running 2 gtx970 in can someone get back to me and let me ...

Lens lab taking orders soon but before I buy...

1st 7 to 10 days kickstarter backers get 1st order than everyone else. When u wear glasses the fov in reduced since glasses prevent your eyes from being as close to the screen. The quesions is since u will have extra lens over rift lens wouldn't that...

inovator by Consultant
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Possibility with 2 Camera zones?

Hi,I am wondering if there is a possibility to setup two different camera zones? (Kind of like you can have two speaker zones with some home cinema-receivers).I got my computer in a very small area, which works fine now, but it would be no good for u...

Does "Platform:Gear VR" content also work on rift?

Hithere,I am thinkingabout buying a rift. Can content from the oculus store marked as “Platform:Gear VR” be used with the rift as well or would I be limited to the riftsoftware?I assumethere is nothing a phone+gear can do a PC+rift can’t do…

Instead of when I'm asking Why!!

So the rift is still only available in 22 countries.I am tired of watching the list not expanding at all in 6+ months and wondering when they will add more counties.So instead I'm asking what is the reason for this limitation?I was able to order the ...

sabyyy by Protege
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Turning off magnetic yaw correction?

Is there a way in the SDK to turn yaw correction off? Preferably live.I have a moving setup where the sensor is moving around, but not relative to the HMD. This system allows yaw movement; this yaw rotation is picked up by the HMD sensors and yawing ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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$50 Promotional Amount

How I can get the $50 promotional amount toward the purchase of Oculus games which was announced on Father's day? Thank you for support!

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Custom Face Plates

Apologies if this has been covered before but removing the front face plate of the Rift not only significantly increases the field of view but makes the god-rays virtually disappear! Impact on screen door effect is also negligible. Of course, the hea...

sdplayer by Expert Protege
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