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Forum Posts

Suggestions for Rift Development

After a month of use, I have some suggestions for the Oculus development team.Generally the Rift is quite good, but there is one thing that holds back the experience and keeps it from being great. The field of view is just too small. I doubt I'm seei...

Roaster by Rising Star
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My Rift Arrived today

Re-posting as my post ended up in Community.. which seems weird as everyone else's posts are in General / support etcOrdered in the evening of the day when pre-orders began - its arrived today. I got the email a couple of days ago saying my order wil...

Warbloke by Superstar
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How many here own or have ordered both a Rift and a Vive?

Hey guys, Just wondering how many people on this forum own both currently available headsets, and what kind of opinions/thoughts you guys have from owning and using both HMDs. I don't mean to start any kind of forum war here, nor to push one system o...

JED44 by Rising Star
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Oculus @ E3 2016!

Hi all!Wanted to share a few images from the show floor of various demos for Rift, Touch, and Gear VR! If you missed the announcements from Monday, make sure to check them out here. We'll keep the livestream going today and tomorrow! Look for a closi...

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Gypsy816 by Expert Protege
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CV1 is SOOO much better than DK2

I've had my CV1 for about a week and have briefly used it twice until today. When I first got it I launched Eve Valkyrie and was blown away by how cool everything was but when flying I was scared to barrel roll or flip because I knew I would be sick ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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A bit disappointed with Oculus' showings at E3

Was anyone else a little underwhelmed by what was shown by Oculus at E3? I was hoping to see a host of new and interesting games, but we only got a handful, with a few promises for more in the future. Was hoping to see a lot more reasons to buy a Rif...

Warning: Be prepeared for possible VAT/MVA suprise in Norway :-/

Hi,A heads-up for us Norwegians. Got my Oculus CV1 delivered by UPS on 29apr2016. Happy. Today, somewhat sour. Got a nice envelope from UPS asking for full blown VAT/MVA on the whole €699 sum. For reference. It was 100% clarified from Oculus that the...

sveinan by Explorer
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Does VR help avoid DWI's ??

I have a friend, let's call him... Benzane. One day Benzane was driving home after an evening of consuming enough whiskey to kill a small farm animal. As Benzane was exiting the highway he failed to notice the abrupt change in speed limit, nor the of...

Zenbane by MVP
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Do Not Disturb - Rift

Hi all,While playing with my new set yesterday I found a function that brought a window up on the PC stating "The Person is Currently in VR, Press space or click here to alert them" or words to that effect. When clicked it brought a window up in the ...

RhysM by Honored Guest
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This is the company you're giving money to as gamers need to take a stand against the kind of underhanded crap Oculus/FB is pulling. Please consider who your hard earned money is going to. Oculus is NOT the same ...

jaspoe30 by Explorer
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Rear tracking, how do you guys improve on it?

Hi guys.My CV1 has been collecting dust since delivery, cause without the Touch it's just not that much fun. But thanks to the good guys at Valve, they recently added support to my old hog Razor Hydra, something we can agree Oculus would never do (ad...

superapan by Honored Guest
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Anyone feel sick and off balance days after using the Rift?

I hooked my Rift up for the first time on Wednesday and used it for 2 hours late at night. No problems. On Thursday evening I also played for about 2 hours. No problems. On Friday I was too busy to use it. Saturday comes around and I feel very lethar...

mazeroth by Honored Guest
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How many VR devices/users will there be by 2026?

With all the recent announcements from nvidia,amd,bethesa,sony,microsoft. It feels to me VR is going main stream faster then expected. If the CV2 can lower down to the price of a new console and have mid-range pc spec requiements. I don't see why we ...

Oculus made a huge mistake with touch!

Hi years ago the original wii was a big hit with its motion controls. Sony tried cash in on Nintendos success by making move controls. (I enjoyed with several games) they failed because developers didn't want to make games & invest in tech with an in...

inovator by Consultant
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Blocking the nose gap?

So I don't have a tiny nose but it isn't huge either, I get significant light leakage through the bottom of the cv1 and the nose gap predominantly. The thought crossed myind that it might be possible to block the light with some kind of sticker or ot...

danknugz by Superstar
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Great offer for X52 for UK peeps wanting a hotas and if you grab it quick you get elite thrown in 

Oculus Touch In Steam VR

Demonstration of Oculus Touch in Steam. He has a 360 degrees room scale setup.

Camera position?

So I haven't gotten my Rift yet but that don't hinder me from planning how I should set it up.The room I have my computer in is fairly small, something like 2x3 meters (around 6.7x9.10 feet), and it's pretty cramped with stuff as it is.So I was think...

Bleppe by Adventurer
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Oculus Touch Dimensions

Can anyone give me the dimensions of a Touch controller?I'm looking for (length,width,depth) in inches.


Just got my rift a couple of days ago and am really enjoying it but I haven't got into any heavy gameing yet just been setting it up and installing a few games and apps, There was one game that I'm having a problem with { InCell } every time I go to ...

Suggestion: VR Video Updates IN OC Home

Ok.. So you know what would be cool? If the Oculus staff could do weekly VR video updates on the state of VR at Oculus. I'm talking about Key people at Oculus literally standing in front of you in your Home menu, in stereoscopic 3D. Being able to wal...

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