Rift for sale in Europe when?
I had one Dutch web shop tell me it might come out over here next year so ... when will it be out in the Old Continent?
I had one Dutch web shop tell me it might come out over here next year so ... when will it be out in the Old Continent?
I'm due to get the CV1 later this month and wondered if it would be wise to change my payment to Paypal instead of Credit card payment? With all the problems surrounding payments I'm not sure what to do for the best. Do you reckon if I change the pay...
Greetings,It arrived today, and it was a nice surprise. Since we pretty much know a good bit about it, I won't write too much. However, there are some initial thoughts I have coming from a DK2 user for almost two years.I had an opportunity to demo bo...
Oculus create more multilingual content if you want selling more games.
Hi I'm receiving my rift by months end. Can anyone tell me if it's alright to install the Oculus App at this point Pryor to receiving the rift. sorry if this is a dumb question.
My parents want to experience what my rift is like. I want to give them wow moments so showing them dreamdeck demos will be good for that. A wow moment I got was watching a porn video. A woman did a lapdance. Those of you who have tried a porn video ...
Hello,Hereafter a new forum about VR :http://www.vrdiscussion.comDan
So I just ordered a new computer with an i7-6700 (non k) and GTX 1080. I have no plans to overclock but in the two weeks since I placed the order I've been reading up a lot on single core performance and have seen the 6700k seems to be a lot better. ...
Hi Guys,I'm building a new PC (I7-6700k) and was looking at the graphics cards and i am trying to decide between getting a standard 1070 by gigabyte for £399 OR to get a 1080 by KFA2 for £530 .... It almost seems a no brainer to spend the extra £130 ...
Im new on this, how this works, I just created my account, now what need to do to download games?
Does anyone know when the Geforce 1070 ready overclocked edition will be released? All I see now are these founders editions. I currently have a Gigabyte 970 G1 gaming OC and just wondered when some thing like that would be out in a 1070. Cheers!
My rift aririves tomorrow afternoon and I just need to know what exactly I need to install to be ready? Thanks
"your order has been processed and your Rift is almost on its way!"FINALLY!!!!But really oculus? at 00:30 ?? wile i'm supposed to be sleeping???Well you did your maths wrong!I'm a youtuber!!! i've just finished a recording right now (2:30 am) and i f...
I got my rift yesterday and it blew me away. Yes thereis SDE if you look for it but once a game starts it isn't really noticeable. Yesthings can be improved upon but for a first product release the rift is amazing.The only thing I am slightly disappo...
Currently in my library I have...Lucky's TaleEdge to NowhereWhat's in your library?
Hey guys, like the title says, this is my official order number XX34XX thread. I´m located in germany and preordered within the first 24 hours. My official date was late May but like most of us I was deferred - to June 20th-27th. So I read through th...
UPDATE - 10/06/16:I got the Razer Hydra's delivered this morning, plugged them in and everything was working straight away as I already installed the drivers etc in preparation. I only had a quick shot of The Lab, the tracking was a bit off but Ive n...
Unlike most of you guys here I pre-order my set quite late. I pull a trigger back at the end of March (I was build brand new PC plus additional expenses related to my newborn). Oculus pushed my due date twice. I recall original estimate was June, the...
As much as I want to show off my new rift to my friends, the idea of sharing a face gasket with them kind of grosses me out. (Some of them have acne or sweat a lot, etc.) I want to get a second face gasket for guests to use. Is there an estimate on w...
A Question that's always coming up around here and in other forums is whether you can wear glasses in the Rift and how comfortable it is.Depending who you ask the answers vary greatly from "no problem" to "doesn't work at all - Vive is your only opti...
One comment that's typical is VR doesn't have enough content to be worth it right now even if the hardware is good. They are a bunch of morons. The Oculus Rift coming out is similar to a new console coming out there aren't going to be as many games o...
I've just played 10 minutes of Albeno Lullaby and I want to throw up. Please tell me you feel less sick in CV1 then you do in DK2? I'm starting to question if I should get CV1 when I feel this sick with DK2. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Puke AHHHHHH
As some of you may remember I had a friend's Vive to play with a while ago, and quite enjoyed it and the tracked controllers. Early this week he asked me to come over and give him a hand as he was having some issues with the Vive. Basically after wor...
Hey there, My friends got me a VR gear and I'm very happy with it, but I have encountered one problem... I don't have a credit card.... So I can only use free content and I want to be able to use the store. When are you going to fix this issue?Greeti...
It's hard for me to believe that this boost to Graphics is as good as people are making it sound. I'm not doubting that it works but at what expense. I think if it was that good when Oculus worked on this for 5 years why wouldn't they make this happe...
I finally gave in and checked reddit for actual information about what's going on, since the official forum isn't the place to post official stuff.Apparently there has been an issue with Australian (and New Zealand??) Customs and they're having to ha...
Hi,I asked myself this afternoon for the manufacture of our Rift and delays in shipments.Due to serious delays there right now, is it possible that Oculus have accelerated violently manufacturing Rifts send for us as soon as the risk of increasing ma...
My company has been working on some industrial applications using 3D vision cameras, and my colleague came across this Structure Sensor. Has anyone seen this or worked with it? It looks like it could have some interesting VR applications, either as a...
While setting up my CV1 on the weekend I ran into a bit of a snag. Although the Oculus setup ran ok and said that my headset was properly connected via HDMI I could not get a video signal from the HDMI port or Displayports of my video card. I was abl...
Hi all.. New CV1 user here. I'd like to know how i go about using paypal instead of adding my card details which it ask's for when i click to purchase a game. I dont see any other payment option but noticed some folks on here say they use Paypal?I wo...