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Forum Posts

The Rift Is Rather Uncomfortable, Especially with Glasses

A general comment for the rift dev team.I have found the rift to be very uncomfortable and bulky.Specifically the cheek crushing pressure that seems to be required in order to bring the image into focus with the lenses.Also it is quite awkward wearin...

Mik_James by Honored Guest
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1080 Benchmarks, comparisons.

Well hopefully my 1080 will be here tomorrow so tonight I think I will run through some benchmarks on my 980ti and compare them against the 1080 once I get it. Will be good to see how it compares in my own system. I know benchmarks aren't the be all ...

Problems with Sensor in USB3.0

Hello VR-friends,my Oculus arrived today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAAAAAAABut..... I've got one problem. The sensor only works with USB2.0. In all my USB3.0 ports the Oculus Home says "incorrect" (USB3.0 ports on Alienware-PC and USB3.0 ports on control...

1Sudo by Protege
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Developer Showcase - Farlands Q&A

We hope you are enjoying this week's Farlands Developer Showcase! Today's update is an in depth Q&A about Farlands, the team, and the various projects they've been involved in. We've taken your questions from across the forums, Reddit, and our social...


Survey for 360° video Thesis paper

Hi all, I am writing a thesis paper backed with a design response prototype. (I will share the resulting outcome when it is complete). Here are the list of survey questions to aid my thesis paper, would be great to hear what the community has to say:...

Finz23 by Explorer
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Warrenty in us

I read that if you buy oculus rift from a person, that the warranty will fall away.I was wondering, don't you have any consumer law in the us, that gives you warranty by law ?Here in Denmark the consumer law says that you have to give 2 years warrant... Looking to Hire Admins for $50/month

It's not a lot of money, but we are looking to hire some administrators to help maintain as the leading general VR forum on the internet. If you are interested please read the description of the job here:

BrianKr by Explorer
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4K monitor + Rift

Hi Rift-folk...I'm keen to keep my HDMI 4K monitor plugged in at the same time as my Rift, but currently both are vying for the same HDMI 2.0 port.I'd been hoping to switch the monitor to an available Display Port using an adaptor, but the one I pick...

luku by Honored Guest
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Estimated shipping date

I'm sure I won't be receiving my rift for awhile, but I was just wondering about how long it takes before you receive an estimated shipping date? Note, I just ordered it on the 23rd of this month..

Keylo415 by Expert Protege
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Oculus Home not showing on monitor

When i put on my CV1 Oculus Home comes up. On my monitor however nothing happens. It still shows Oculus store. When i start an app within Oculus Home then my monitor shows the VR view of that app/game perfectly.This isn't very handy when i demo the C...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Cant install Oculus home software

So im trying to install oculus home , but i keeps crashing before install. Can any help me? Below is the error reported.Thank youProblem Event Name: CLR20r3 Problem Signature 01: oculussetup(3).exe Problem Signature 02: Problem Signature 03: ...

mikesun3 by Honored Guest
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Oculus Home Summer Sale?

Should one expect Oculus Home sales analogous to what we'll see from Steam next month?I've long credited Steam's seasonal sales with fostering both the good will it enjoys amongst gamers and the 'free stuff' or 'steeply discounted stuff' PC gamers te...

jon by Heroic Explorer
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An awesome and kinda unique thing I did with my Rift

This is just a little story about a cool(well, I think) thing I did with my Rift. Last night, I was reading Wikipedia articles about stereoscopy and related stuff. On the page for stereoscopic pairs, I found this image:Now, because of my discovery th...

Blyss4226 by Rising Star
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Best thing to say while putting on your Rift...

Personally, I'ma go with "Forces of darkness empower me! Take me back to my virtual reality!"(Simultaneously posting this and watching VR Troopers while being in virtual reality myself. So meta. Life is good.)What's your quote of choice?

CrashFu by Consultant
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DEFROST - the first true film series made for VR

If you haven't checked it out yet then have a gander:http://www.defrostvr.comI just watched the first clip via JAUNT; and I am impressed. Some popular actors have been recruited to demonstrate the future of TV-style entertainment. The future of binge...

Would a VR Games subscription service be a good idea?

I was thinking about this earlier, Xbox Live and PSN have a few games each month and EA Access has games in the vault that is updated every so often. I think they all provide good value and would like to see something similar for VR games.Obviously w...

Got my new Rift! Pretty Disappointed...

Wow so much anger about not getting it on time and I know everyone is going to say "send it to me" but... I thought I was keeping my expectations low after hearing about god rays, and granted the first game I tried was lens smear, I mean Elite Danger...

CV1 compared to dk2

Hi, i have the dk2 and i wondered what is improved on the cv1?sde, is it non existing? do you notice it while playing? and how is the resolution, like reading small text on a dashboard? fov, ive heard that it is a little wider?

Resolved! Delivery time Oculus Rift Cv1

Hello, I'm a happy owner of Oculus Rift Dk2, I'm interesting to CV1 Model, but I would to ask the delivery time, if I bought it, for Italy.Regards

GTX 1080 revealed!

Nvidia is live-streaming a reveal event to show off the new GTX 1080 tomorrow night (Friday May 6 9pm EDT). (Source)I know a lot of us here have been waiting for the Pascal line-up, due to the graphics-power-hungry nature of VR. If the performance in...

nalex66 by MVP
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