Oh Palmer, why you never learn?
Seriously, how the people in Oculus PR department are ok with this? They should forbid Palmer to go online.
Seriously, how the people in Oculus PR department are ok with this? They should forbid Palmer to go online.
It seems to me that the most important aspect of the new Nvidia cards is the multi projection in one pass tech. The biggest frame rate killer for VR hardware is sending different images to the two displays. Not sure why a VR forum isn't talking more ...
I really don't want to spend hour trying all the settings because it will take to long. Does anyone know what the best settings are for flyinside with decent computer when using the Rift? Thanks!
Ok, ok, I am one up in the top who was super excited and while I fully predicted this delay was going to be the case, I have to try and find some level of silver lining here to make it tolerable. I would rather reframe the situation to find some semb...
Hi guys!As you may already know it's hard give enough visibility to a videogame,even more if it's a VR videogame.I think that our game Mind unleashed it's a really good quick game to try especially if you are not ready to spend 50 or more bucks on a ...
Another one of these. Everyone loved to post the UK Rifter video (I think it has been referenced now 873 times on this forum) so here's another one. I wonder what the reception is going to be like this time.Cue Zenbane...https://youtu.be/UxW2dJyEBmw
Hey Guys, sorry for discussing there here, but this has seemed like my favorite haunting zone over the past few months and there really isn't a better place honestly. Due to all of the shipping delays and issues I finally decided in early April to al...
It just shuts itself down. Wth! Anyone else got this problem? Tried reinstalling it and no help.
Do I HAVE to use a R9 390 or am I fine with a 380? Thanks
Jen-Hsun holding Vive during his gtx 1080 presentation?
Just noticed that my €699.00 says it's an estimate and does not include shipping. What about the previous promise that shipping was included? I vividly remember it said including shipping a while back when the shipping date was pushed back.
I'm curious if i need to set any resolution & refresh rate in any of my games to get the best looking picture inside my HMD. Having used DK2, it was originally important to get the right resolution and refresh rate for the best performance. Now that ...
Could we see a new tracking method as well. Under settings -> sensor, I like to see the ability to know when I lose tracking. So under sensor I like it to do something to let me know that I have lost tracking. For example, I like for the screen to tu...
Another thing I like to see if new face mounts for glasses. Yea yea ~ it fits my glasses just fine, but like its hard to just jump in and out of the current setup. Now, at least for my face, the lower half of the pad could be kind of remove/lessen to...
While I do like VR there is something about it that makes me prefer my Pc monitor. I think the obvious reason is the resolution and this is where I think the VR headsets of today lose out big time. I would have liked a 2560x1440 increase in resolutio...
For in-game recentering, press the Xbox button and choose the re-center option on the right hand icons. For recentering Home itself, open the Oculus desktop app and choose the gear icon on top right -> Settings -> Devices -> Sensor -> Setup Sensor an...
I've started this thread as the subject came up in the moderator thread and I thought it warranted a discussion all of its own.Anyway, I've been labouring with Blender for a while and it nearly brought me to tears. It's a fantastically capable piece ...
On the GearVR, there's a native Samsung Internet Beta browser that is native and works great for youtube 360.Any free/native options for Rift? If not, best paid option?
I know we have a number of posts dedicated to shipping time of Rift pre-orders. I am legitimately interested in knowing if any of you have got your Rifts ahead of the new estimated shipping dates, during that time frame, or afterwards (or still waiti...
I'm looking for information on a kingwin liquid cooler with 2 pipes I'm not familiar with this brand should i change it? What would you recommend?
Ok, i already know the answer, but still is cool to think about it...Now, seeing the overall "soldout" of vr in the latest month and the fact that vr requires hig end pc.Do you think that is possible for the rift and the vive to take some credit for ...
I pre ordered 1st hour and upon arriving 10 min before bestbuy opened, there were people waiting to get in with 8 guys holding rift papers. I was told the 8 who are able to buy the rift today arrived at the store at 9:00pm lastnight. RIDICULOUS. Watc...
Anyone go this route? I haven't drilled yet but wanted to get things set up. I ended up using two 3M Command strips per base station. Each strip is rated at 4lbs but the back of the mount is not flat/flush so not getting full contact. I put a single ...
Any one try sli since 1.3.2 ?
I saw rifts for $ 1179 and rift+PC bundles on microsoft store starting $ 1500Was this the big news all about?
i just received my rift today and i noticed that there is some light leaking in front the bottom kinda where my nose is. if i look down, i can see light as well as parts of my hand. am i wearing it wrong or is it like that? i tried moving the rift up...
Which, if any, games have voice chat? I've talked with plenty in Big Screen but nothing else. Is it there and I'm missing something? Granted, maybe some just don't want to talk (or talk to me). Personally, I'd like to see an Oculus Home chat or insta...
Whatever you call it, the powers that be want you to call it "Rift", personally I see that as a bit of an uphill struggle ( Oculus does seem to like to make life difficult for itself though) or like King Canute trying to hold back the tide.. Does any...
I'm eager to watch the Cirque Du Soleil content that is available for Gear VR on my CV1 Rift. Is there any way?Thanks