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Forum Posts

For the Benefit of General VR early adopters

Please provide the website or software that is outside of Oculus Home for VR headsets such as Rift CV1 & HTC Vive. I don't know any other website or software that can play on my rift and I doubt I'm the only one here so please provide the website and...

So vocal but no one is actually gonna do anything

but use the forum for vent, I doubt anyone would be going to best buy at the demo with a sign "these rifts belong to pre-order people" or even bother filing a complaint with FTC :pensive: also I just want to point out that Palmer made 2 billions he i...

[Idea] Add "download software" banner/button to homepage

Like the title says Oculus should add a download software banner/button to the homepage, at least at the once that are about the rift. the software is really hidden under support. Steam always displays a banner where yon can directly download the sof...

So, my Rift is stuck in shipping...

... at my next-door neighbour's house.They signed for it, and then like they often do, they DISAPPEARED. Usually they're gone for days at a time.Who the fxxk signs for a package knowing they're about to bugger off for the better part of a week?! Hone...

r00x by Adventurer
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Oculus Rift and f.lux

Apple will introduce Night Shift, it will work like f.lux. ... 0f164d3b09It will decrease the amount of blue light in the evening so everything looks more orange/yellow.I'm using it for a...

Mrbrabo by Honored Guest
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3 stores before me?

Could Oculus please rationalize why Best buy, Microsoft and Amazon are getting Rifts before me? I can't wrap my head around it... Didn't I PREorder? I'm guessing my puny amount of money is the difference eh. I chose the wrong HMD it seems or am I mis...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Got my VIVE

Finally got my Vive today, it was supposed to deliver Monday but I am always at work when FedEx shows up. FedEx btw are like robots, when I called them to tell them not to come at the time they show up at since I'll be at work they always say "we'll ...

Will Oculus work with this configuration ?

Hello,The OculusCompatCheck returns that : - My nvidia quadro k4000- my intel core i7 3820- the hardware that powers the usb portsare not good enough for the oculus.So my question is : Will it still work but with reduced performances ? I could live w...

pietwelve by Honored Guest
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Considering cost breakdown

Many considered the cost of the CV1 to be larger than expected, Palmer included, however given the history of technology development maybe the cost for a he first edition shouldn't be that surprising.Second generation kit is expected to be cheaper, a...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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a crazy idea

Why don't all the people who have preordered get together and start a trend to boycott oculus till they fulfill their preorders? If you can get a few of the site's to stop covering news on oculus till the preorders are shipped, I'm guessing Facebook ...

Getting the HMD to show something

I need some help in setting the Rift up. I've got everything setup, updated the graphics drivers, rebooted the computer and I'm now at the part where you put the HMD on but there is nothing showing in the HMD. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

lordsown by Honored Guest
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Day 1 pre-orders should get more than just free shipping...

I among majority of angry customers who have witnessed EU, UK, and many others getting their CV1 already. We have also seen many people quickly go out and sidestep the wait by buying a PC Bundle. And even then majority of those people returned the PC...

smittah by Expert Protege
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Leap Motion any good?

I never really looked at leap Motion when it came out, but is it any good in VR? I was thinking of purchasing it, but I'm unsure if there are many apps using it. Does anyone know a bit more about it? Also, is Leap Motion is still been implemented int...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Gtx 980ti + DK2 = Not working .. (for anyone else)?

Upgraded to a GTX 980ti from 2 GTX 780's in SLI. I've tried every run time and none of them will detect the rift in either direct or extended mode. I'm wondering if it's a problem with the latest NVIDIA driver for the GTX 980ti? Or something about th...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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My ups delivery arrived..... Hooked up and running :)

Hi a quick question from anyone who has their rift.Right now my delivery time slot tomorrow is by days end. Tomorrow will I get any more info? My wife is off work but does not want to be in all day listening out for the door if the delivery is not go...

Rift shipments in the EU are weeks ahead of schedule

After seeing a lot of EU orders shipped quite early ( compared to their order numbers and order times) I started to assume that shipping in the EU is several weeks ahead of Oculus' schedule that was communicated on the 12th of April.I can now persona...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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How play tutorial demos again?

HiAfter finish the rift configuration, the tutorial play me some demos, I stooped it to recalibrate the camera againHow can I play the demos again?Thank youBest Regards

Faldo by Honored Guest
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Why cant we have our free Eve Valkyrie NOW?

I, like many other people, pre-ordered the CV1 due to being a supporter of Oculus and already owning a DK2.When we ordered we were told that we would be getting Eve Valkyrie and Lucky's Tail in with the price we paid.I have already downloaded Oculus ...

Thug by Heroic Explorer
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Shipping estimates, just wondering...

So my estimate is 5/2-5/12, of course I know it is still within this window now, I was just wondering how the overall schedule for the new allotted estimates are going. Have the new times been pretty accurate so far, or are they deviating? Just looki...

K33L by Protege
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Stolen Rift (paranoia)

I got my rift last Monday morning. That evening I came down my stairs about 1am and there was a guy standing outside my house. He ran up to my door and try to force the lock. He ran off and nothing came of it. It was an odd experience, after spending...

Good news for game purchases

Just re-arranging Palmer's tweet about some how retail getting the Rift before first hour pre-orders is good new for pre-orders??? So they always say talk with your wallet. So remember if a VR game is available for both Oculus store and Steam I sugge...

Not buying into CV1?

Not complaining. Just curiousto know how many are by-passing CV1, keeping their DKs, and waiting for 2ndgen VR - perhaps slumming it with other headsets, until that radically different Rift arrives. I must admit, though, reading tasty CV1 reviews is ...

VR Karts

How do you unlock the third cup in VR Karts? I beat the first two with gold medals yet the third cup is grayed out.Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

VrSponge by Expert Protege
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Getting impatient.

I put in a pre-order on march 1, 2016. Now don't blast me because I know there is a shortage of parts for the CV1. But I've been waiting patiently for the consumer version since DK1. Now you can call me a spoiled brat or whatever you feel like, but I...

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