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Forum Posts

VR Addiction Is Real.

I spent 36 Hours straight in the rift playing DCS World this weekend (I'm obsessed with the KA-50 Black Shark). I wanted to call in sick on Monday just so I could keep the rift on. This is only going to get worse isn't it?

Anonymous by Not applicable
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So I decided to stick with Oculus, cancelled my Vive order

This is not another review based on technicalspecs, lens comparison etc etc (for one I have yet to receive my shipment). Forthe following reason, be mindful that these are based only on other reviews andmy own experiences with HTC and other observati...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 41 replies
  • 9 kudos

When do you think Oculus Touch will be released?

When do you think Touch will hit the market, and guess how much is it gonna cost.My bet is release September 2016, for $199.Also I would expect a bundle Oculus Rift + Touch by December, right before Xmas holidays, around $649.Vote and leave a comment...

Will this run the Oculus

I am on a pretty tight budget while trying to build a pc that can run the Oculus. Don't want to go over $1000. I threw this idea together let me know what you all think

Sduffy01 by Explorer
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save file lucky's tale

how do i delete a save file on lucky's tale? i'm intrested in speedrunning this game but sofar i have'nt found out how to delete a save file. sofar i tried uninstalling and every possible keycombination on the xbox controllerthnx

NokiBE by Explorer
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Matte Screen Protector for DK2?

I'm not sure if this fits in this sub-category of the forum, so mods; feel free to move this topic to the right sub.image-examples:

deeltje by Honored Guest
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Let the cancellations begin

So that those of us being patient can get ours sooner. Estimated ship date 7/25/2016 - 8/4/2016. I'm in no rush to get mine but would be nice if I got it earlier. So those of you considering canceling your order go right ahead and speed it up for the...

Zuhan by Protege
  • 104 replies
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Delivery companies outside of US

I'm just wondering how to find out who's going to deliver my oculus once it has crossed the US/Canada border. FedEx, UPS, Canada post?

Jayykayy by Honored Guest
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Oculus Video Resolution Change? Using CV1

Is there any way to change the resolution of the videos in Oculus Video app? I've watched a few of them and they all seem to be super low res. I don't know how to change it, or if there's even a way to. I have a 55mb connection, so I don't think that...

Alkapwn by Protege
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Is buying Oculus Rift a "gambling"? (Red tint issue)

Many of you guys probably heard about red artefacts that may appear due to chosen OLED displays. The thing is that your HMD may or may not have them, and they may appear in different intensity. Basically you don't know what quality of display you wil...

Zuh by Adventurer
  • 48 replies
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Compatibility Test different from Steam VR?

The Rift compatibility test is different from the Steam VR test that supports the HTC Vive? My GPU is a Asus GTX980Ti, and CPU a Intel Core i7-2700K (3.5GHz) (8 core) on a Asus Sabertooth Z77 (LGA 1155). The Rift Test rejects my CPU, but the Steam VR...

Questions For Oculus?

1. Why is there no phone contact for customer service? I find most business's that don't have a phone number usually don't want to talk to their customers?2. How is the average consumer going to install and set up their Rift with so many problems tha...

VrSponge by Expert Protege
  • 8 replies
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Why no support for games that support DK2?

Hey guys, I think it is annoying that CV1 doesn't support games that supported DK2. I wanted to play Half-Life 2, tried to activate the "VR-Option" in the videosettings, but it says there is no VR-hardware present. That's funny, I bought a headset fo...

wm79 by Explorer
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A new delay? Are you serious?

Looking to reddit I found a guy that posted this: retard noobs on the media posting shit about oculus again...

EliteSPA by Superstar
  • 6 replies
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Blurry/Out of Focus vision (Am I Nearsighted?)

I can't get a really sharp image (I am not talking about the screendoor effect or the low resolution). Especially objects that are close (for example 5-30CM) are very blurry/out of focus. For example I can't read the small text on the helmet in adrif...

Ideas for Laser Tag like VR gaming experiences

Hey Forum,This vision focuses on attempting to capture the essence of something like Left4Dead in a completely wireless laser tag like VR experience. On the hardware side of things instead of doing a highly ambitious complete end to end product like ...

cubytes by Protege
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How much space do you have on your C:\ drive?

As you know, for now we can only install oculus rift games on our main drive, wich is absurd, but the problem is being worked on...I'm just curious, (and maibe it can be useful to someone) to know how many ppl have their "C" drive dedicated only for ...

Kalec84 by Heroic Explorer
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My EVGA GTX 780 SC - 2700K and CV1 Experience so far

Not to bad so far! Lucky's tail runs great Apollo 11 was awesome! Farlands is odd...but runs goodThe Body VR head tracking is no bueno...not sure if its my system or what?Adr1ft - Very cool at first. I get some nausea from the movement. Seems like my...

Euro Truck 2 Simulator

Hey guys I am trying to get Euro Truck Simulator to work on my Oculus. I read SCS walk through on how to get the game to play on it but it doesn't work.I went into my games properties, opted in for the oculus beta, went in and added -oculus to the la...

sotik1st by Honored Guest
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Pre-Order 6130000254XXXX Shipment Notification!!

Hey everyone! Just got my shipment notification so I figured I would share in the hopes my info helps ease some troubled minds. I was order number 6130000254XXXX. I had my order confirmation within a minute of pre-orders going live. I haven't gotten ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Live Streaming Youtube 360 Video

Good news today


How To Achieve Presence Everytime

Hi all,Love my CV1 so far. I've found how to achieve presence every time:Boot up Project Cars.Create a single race by yourself.Pick a car with a roof.Set conditions to the middle of the night in a thunderstorm.Drive to a quite part of a track and swi...

ZaineUK by Protege
  • 7 replies
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Fluctuating CAD dollar. - Final price? Almost 100$ more!

Hey guys. So, I'm glad to see some life from oculus and that international shipping is being dropped on my preorder. That's fantastic. I wasn't in the first batch anyway but waiting longer is generally okay if the price is significantly reduced. Anyw...

Lhun by Explorer
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