Y esto que es ??????? Madrid Spain
http://es.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=308kz2b&s=9#.Vo1HP1LuPE8WTF OCULUS ???You said the damn thing will be at max 350$What a disappointment I really wanted to try one...Madrid Spain...MihaiThanks... :~_( :cry:
http://es.tinypic.com/view.php?pic=308kz2b&s=9#.Vo1HP1LuPE8WTF OCULUS ???You said the damn thing will be at max 350$What a disappointment I really wanted to try one...Madrid Spain...MihaiThanks... :~_( :cry:
I feel totally kicked in the teeth by you oculus.. From moment one I was trying to pre-order, and your BS site failed multiple times to process my payment, now I am expected to bloody wait till April for you clearly massively overpriced over hyped he...
I won't be pre-ordering.But does it tell you the specs of the headset further down the page???
I bought dk2 with no problem at all. The truth is im little pissed tat it is shiping to taiwan and japan but not Singapore or even Hongkong.
I always supported Oculus, I'm a happy owner of a DK2 since the early days but... $599 are now 699 euros (and with shipping costs we are near 800 EUROS)? Are you... ehm... CRAZY? Add to this the price for a Oculus ready PC (most people's PC will not ...
Has there been anything official on if and how long support for the DK2 will continue after the consumer release?
I was getting the error occured message, but when I look at my order history, I have a preorder listed there.Am I all set? I never got an email or confirmation of expected delivery month...
They said we can chat to palmer luckey when the pre-orders went live. Where is he at!!!!!!!!!!
I will wait for VALUE PACK without games, box, controler... all that crap.WHAT A SCAM PALMER, VR FOR EVERYONE, SURE BRO
In total there are 1449 users online :: 400 registered, 1 hidden and 1048 guests (based on users active over the past 5 minutes)Most users ever online was 1488 on Wed Jan 06, 2016 3:33 pmI bet we see 2000+ in 15 minutes or so
I finally got my order in. Now to see what they do for the multiple $1 deposits from my account...because it seems like I had ordered 25 of them lol.... :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Can anyone enlight me?What kind of a device is Oculus Remote?
I know Palmer Luckey said that we will be able to cancel our pre orders, but he also said that the price won't go over DK2's 350 too much. Two people I don't trust in this world is Luckey and Zuckerberg, so someone please confirm.
This has to be a mistake right???
Extremely dissapointed here. Due to that "something went wrong"-error I lost my March-shipping-spot and now I am set for April.I was trying to preorder the second the countdown switched with the "preorder now" announcement. Then I got the "shipping i...
Hi,I live in the countries not listed for shipping by Oculus , will they ever start shipping over here in Dubai? I was able to purchase the DK2 and it was shipped here but can't do the same for CV1. Will this change in the future? Also i5 4460 is wha...
Hello.I started trying to preorder immediately after the timer expired, and was not able to successfully place an order until just now. During that time, the "expected delivery date" changed from March to April :evil: So, because they didnt have thei...
I got a order number flashed up on the screen.. but no way to verify.. and no email conformation.. Not sure how they got 629.99 shipped... all mine said was 599.00Anyone else get an email conformation?
I am so angry right now.. 7 dammed attempts from minute one to get a pre-order in, and still I am getting some BS site error when I try and pay with a perfectly valid visa card..Very upset and fed up to the back teeth.....And the price.. So much for ...
I cant order from Czech Republic? WTF?
I really wasn't expecting such a high price...918CAD$ for us canadian shipping included (65$ of shipping)I bought it, but disapointed at such a high price, just felt I had too since I had been waiting for so long, but now the bar is really high, it b...
So the word is that pre-orders get a place in line for Oculus Touch orders.My question is then for those of us who will not be pre-ordering because we are getting a kick-starter CV1, will we get a place in line for touch? I would seriously consider p...
https://shop.oculus.com/ doesn't load anything for me. Working for anyone else out there?
Got mine...But, DAMN! Pricey.
And they have a link for a compatibility tool to make sure your pc will work with it.
Have they lost their heads? $599 US and $849 Canadian, and that's not even including shipping, taxes and import fees (which will be steep). I just can't do it. I'm going to wait and see what Valve has up their sleeves but Valve isn't exactly known fo...
Is anyone else getting this ?
The preorder costs $600 i knew it was going to be expensive but holy shit thats more than it was expected.