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LibOVR: Cannot start

Hello,I just installed VorpX software and I’m now getting this error before the oculusconfigutil crashes-> [LibOVR: Cannot start This software depends on features available starting with Windows 7 Service Pack 1, and it cannot start] any help would b...

New Laptop

I've been working on Unity on my Netbook and I am waiting to buy an Oculus Rift Consumer Version. The netbook is very slow when using UnityI will buy a new laptop soon Can someone tell me if this laptop is powerful enough to play Rift games and also ...

Steam Machines

Interesting Article about steam machine starting at $500 to top of the range $5000 ouch.

Skelator by Honored Guest
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Oculus Rift DK2 Question

Hello community,I have had my DV2 for about a week and all i can say is... WOW!I have some questions about it though.My PC is a little further away from me and the HDMI cable is a little to short and i don't have a lot of free movement for jumps and ...

need help

hiwe are based in India one of our automobile client wants to use OCULUS platform to generate interest among the prospective customers walking in the dealership with the yet to launch car.Can anybody help in taking this project forward with costs and...

dickyk by Honored Guest
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Unity GUI on oculus.Does it work?

Hello im trying to make a Mendeleev Table on Unity but the GUI doesn't work.I mean i can see it on a normal camera but on the Rift it wont appear...Did i made something wrong or is just a Rift problem?

spoukey by Honored Guest
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Just give us 60Hz low persistence.

The 75Hz jutter has been a problem for months, with absolutely no fix for the majority of us. That isn't to say that some games and apps haven't been fixed, but that it's remained an issue across at least 50% of apps, and that's on a GOOD system.Now,...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Hi Everyone, I am a Wearhacks hackathon organizer from Ecole 42 in Paris, France, and would like to let you know that we are organizing a hackathon from the 22nd to 24th May 2015 in Ecole 42. Participants in the hackathon will be using hardware featu...

Is this BS? Lens replacement attachment ... d=43616334So i found these online looking to replace my DK2 lenses since they're really stratched up from being used so much. Does this actually work or is it just a scam?

Bullseye by Honored Guest
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Sneaky Launch theory

Hey guys, I just wanted to share a theory of mine that has been going through my head lately. We all know about the HTC vive, and that basically everyone is talking about VR in general. It may be the most anticipated gaming tech ever. I also firmly b...

Oculus Rift 3D audio could be perfected

How this multipole by MIT (Music In Technology) claims to bring music more breath and lively to music and I think it's a perfect technology for VR!

proyb64 by Honored Guest
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suggest a gaming.rig

Looking to spend up to $2,000.Must be able to run dk2 flawlessly and won't need a big upgrade for the ck1.Thanks guys.

NimbleVR joins Oculus

Just got the mail that the nimble kickstarter is cancelled and NimbleVR is joining Oculus.Now both sad and happy...happy as there seems to be a main solution for input devices crystallizing out of the contenders and sad that they just cancelled the p...

floro by Honored Guest
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beyond the Oculus VR

HelloI looking for a sponsor of the pinhole compound eye display for virtual reality and augment reality.I think this is the first complete idea for those purpose.please read linked document ... sp=sharingThis i...

kyceye by Honored Guest
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Architects using the Oculus Rift

Calling all Architect practices using VR!!I am writing a dissertation on the potential impact of VR on the world of Architecture and need to gather information about your experiences and opinions in the form of a quick questionnaire. Your input will ...

dkellitt by Honored Guest
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Best 360 video vr player

Anybody recommend the best 360 video player for DK2?I downloaded Kolor eyes and the video is super jittery. Thinking about Maxvr but it's $10.00 don't know if it's worth itThanksI7 2600k @4.6ghzGtx 980 sli16 gig ddr3Windows 7

Cyb3rkil by Honored Guest
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Closest to "Direct-to-Rift" on MAC OSX (How-to)

Hi guys,I found an easier way to run demos on Mac, pretty similar to Direct to Rift but not full there yet...and there's no coding or any of that required. Maybe mac users know this already but for those who don't know here it is.Step 1. Have your oc...

Leap Motions for $20 []-)

Just found this over on Reddit and it worked... Leap Motion for $20 with free shipping... Get em before they are all gone []-) ... upon_code/

Several 'fresh out of box' problems

Hello, I purchased and received my dk2 last night and have been trying to configure all this morning.First off, I actually had the config manager saying that my oculus was ready to be used but then I ran into the RGB problem. I then further read that...

Architecture and Virtual Spaces Boston VR Meetup on 4/29

Boston VR Meetup #17 - Architecture and Virtual SpacesApril 29th ... 220907154/An evening of VR demonstrations and two talks: IrisVR will show us how they help architects visualize their designs. Parcosm will de...

Domemaster Fusion Macros Released

Hi. I have released the Domemaster Fusion Macros toolset. The Domemaster Fusion Macros allow compositors and VFX artists to create immersive 360° stereo composites and visuals. These macros are great for preparing pre-rendered content for use with th...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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GTA V will have first person view! .....Oculus?

Yeah.....if someone (I'm looking at you vorpX!) can get this working in the Oculus, I'm afraid it will be counter productive for me:

Unity or Unreal?

Hi can someone tell me which one of these engines has more support for mobile development? What are some of the advantages one has over the other or are they about equal?

VRising by Honored Guest
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ASUS 20th Anniversary Golden Edition GTX 980 ... _card_2015 ... 89966.htmlPricing of the 20th Anniversary Golden Edition GTX 980 graphics card is unknownThe adap...

proyb64 by Honored Guest
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No head Tracking in Minecrift 1.8.1PRE2 with SDK 0.4.4

I've tried to find a solution in the threads, but to no avail. I can see in VR perfectly in the game, but no head tracking occurs. I also can't pivot up with my mouse (which I assume is cut off when the game expects me to do that with my head?) Anywa...

double vision in extended mode

so when I try using my DK2 in extended mode, I have some sort of double vision on my rift. When I look at the desktop, the left and right eyes sight are overlapping and the middle of the desktop is just missing. Does this have something to do with my...

lhsdaniel by Honored Guest
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