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Forum Posts

Cast AR Update"...In other head-mount displays, it looks like you’re looking through a screen door or something like th...

boomji by Honored Guest
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Can't set 144Hz monitor to 75Hz

OK, maybe this is a silly question, but I've noticed a lot of guides recommend you set your primary display to 75Hz to match the Rift's refresh rate. This is all fine and well since I have a 144Hz BenQ XL2411t monitor, except for some reason it refus...

Initial Display/Resolution issues

So my DK2 arrived yesterday and I'm still having difficult getting it to display properly.With my display settings set to extended, the only thing that works is the config utility demo. The rest either play on my desktop or if they do display in the ...

bukem by Honored Guest
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What lenses will I get?

I heard that some people got lenses that are very susceptible to scratches and other got pretty much scratch-immune lenses. So I'm wondering why that is. Did Oculus switch to another manufacturer who does a worse job or did they simply upgrade the le...

NopIt by Honored Guest
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Could we have Skylake & 16/20nm Maxwell in time for CV1?

The general rumbling seems to be to expect CV1 this time next year with an announcement at connect.I'm wondering if this could mean (by chance or by design) we could build a Skylake and Maxwell (16/20nm version) system in time for CV1. This would be ...

Oculus announces new prototype: Crescent Bay

Brendan Iribe has announced a new prototype which is "A large leap from DK2".Among the new features are:- 360 degree tracking with rear facing LEDs- High-quality Integrated audio- Real Space 3D Audio Specialisation- Expanded positional tracking volum...

DrAviator by Honored Guest
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How do I turn off positional tracking?

Can someone tell me how to turn off positional tracking? I want to disable this until Oculus come up with a fix. I noticed that when I was playing Alien isolation I had zero judder once I lost positional tracking, but I only lost it by accident someh...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Reverse Engineering the Oculus Rift DK2 are trying to figure out how tracking works. Check this image of the tracking LEDs...

Got my dk2 with lots of fingerpress inside,:( its the reason

Should be strictly with this foundry.for now,its substandard .there are some photo from worker in the foundry.7f178435e5dde7117eeb9883a4efce1b9d166104.jpgf61535a85edf8db1c820a7110a23dd54564e742a.jpg1b4032fa828ba61ebecf135a4234970a304e5913.jpgAccordin...

Question about Nvidias Dynamic Super Resolution

Does anyone know if this feature will make images look better in the Rift?DSR - Our new Maxwell architecture introduces a raft of innovative, exciting technologies that make your games better in dramatic ways. Of these new features, Dynamic Super Res...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Not a good start.....

Well, I got my DK2 today, but my entire evening has just been one big problem from start to finish.If anyone can help it would be appreciated, but already the Rift has lost it's sparkle My system is a Nvidia system, I run x2 GTX 780's normally in a ...

steveoz32 by Expert Protege
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vr chair

Was demoing my rift for some friends this week so I thought I'd post a picture of my home built chair. Wanted to make something that would ultimately work for flight sims or racing sims. Done with PVC so I could experiment.Right now set up to mimic t...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Having problems with camera

I am having trouble getting the head tracking to work on Unity Games. I have played some Vorpx demos/games and everything is fine then, so I know there is nothing wrong with the camera. Any suggestions?

Crimso by Honored Guest
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Do you have a broken DK1 or DK2?

We use my DK2 for testing each VR Cover before we ship it right now and this won't change anytime soon. So the best way to get my DK2 back is to buy a broken DK1 or DK2 so we can still check every VR Cover before we ship it and I can get back to deve...

vrcover by Explorer
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General Questions about the Oculus

I have a few questions about the rift.1. Is the rift pretty much just two displays that the gpu has to render to or does it use separate software?2. If im understanding what i have read the GPU is the most important part of your system for the rift?3...

shadowlid by Honored Guest
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Will 2 Geforce 680s work in Sli for Devit 2?

I'm just wondering, if two Geforce 680s, work in Sli with Devit 2? I might try to pickup a second 680 if it does. Also, what PSU would I need to run 2 680s? I currently have a coolermaster 750 and I'm not sure if that will be enough. Thanks!

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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Just get your DK2? PLEASE help me!

The support email was no help at all! I ordered my Dk2 8.5 weeks ago, still has not shipped. I was hoping to get an ETA, but support can not help. I was hoping to get an order date from someone who just had their DK2 shipped, so that i can match it u...

Baldey by Honored Guest
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Great Sleuthing! Identifying LEDs Based on Blinking Patterns

From Reddit: When the software issues the command sequence to blink the LED, the firmware's internal counter starts at 0, and from that point on it keep...

Help please! - DK2 camera

So I've used my DK2 for around 2 weeks now, and I go to use it this afternoon..and the camera stopped working :SI've tried unplugging and replugging, restarting oculus service... and nothing.When I unplug and then plug back in the USB 2.0 my computer...

Dewm by Honored Guest
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Share DK2 compatible doesn't show all compatible demos

how come Share DK2 compatible doesn't show all compatible demos? what happened to sleeping on unity-Chan? I'm finding that a lot of stuff is slipping through the cracks here guys & gals. We need better moderation. Dk2 demos are important i would thin...

ddoom by Honored Guest
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Disable hyperthreading without BIOS?

Sorry to ask a boring tech question, but does anyone know if you can switch off hyper threading some way OTHER than through the BIOS? My laptop has an HM67 board with a i7-2630QM, and the BIOS is shockingly sparse, no options for HT.I have been readi...

Wireline by Explorer
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Can't login to Share

Can an admin look into why I cannot login to my share account please, I'm unable to comment, rate or provide any kind of feedback on the items on the share network.O/S: Windows 7.1Browser: Google ChromeTried: Clearing cookies/cache, rebooting, also t...

Recommended graphics card for DK2?

Can someone recommend me a good graphics card which will work good with DK2 for a reasonable price?I have an old Gforce 440 which is a nightmare. I've upgraded it to Radeon R9 270 which keeps crashing every single time.I'm back to beginning and now I...

BBC: how to "walk" on Mars ( with Rift )

Did not find this posted thought perhaps of interest to some here. Small BBC newsclip about NASA using the Rift for "walking on mars" and for telepresence e.g. steering of a robot:

floro by Honored Guest
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Leap Motion 3D Jam: Presented by IndieCade range of possibilities is almost unimaginable, so we’ve made the competition as inclusive as possible. Using the Leap Motion Controller for desktop (or with optional VR Developer M...

[WIP] Compiling a list of Elite Dangerous Fixes/Tips/Tricks

So as the title suggests, I am making this thread to compile one go-to list of fixes tips and tricks for using the DK2 in Elite Dangerous. I know there are a fair few Elite threads at the moment but none are dedicated to just updating the OP with a h...

Simpanra by Honored Guest
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Too hot after 10-20 min of use (thermal image)

Now I absolutely love my DK2 but one thing I noticed is my face gets uncomfortably hot after only 10-20 minutes. I also happen to have a thermal camera, and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words: As you can see, the right side is HOT, meas...

grimdar by Expert Protege
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