Have slides been released of the Connect presentations?
I know the videos haven't been posted yet, but what about presentation slides? Any word on these?-Chance
I know the videos haven't been posted yet, but what about presentation slides? Any word on these?-Chance
Hello thereHave any of you fine folk tried Cafe Ame? It lasts about 5 minutes, and .. well what can I say? Its some of the best minutes I've had in the DK2. Can't say much about it without spoiling it, but good lord I want more!Its just so different....
http://www.ibtimes.com/kevin-spacey-thinks-oculus-rift-could-change-storytelling-forever-1697351"I think the games industry is slowly moving into the film business, to tell stories and to do so with an actor like me. The Oculus Rift opened my eyes to...
Sooner or later, you'll need this."If you build it, they will post"
Not entirely sure where to put this...In a project I am working on, when the user goes into "Hard-mode", the plan is to use a barely audible tone below the ambient soundtrack. Somewhere in the range of 27hz to 30hz.So, last night, did a small experim...
Hi guys, just downloaded beta 2. Seems a lot better, managed to get rid of judder mostly but it is still there. I turned blur off and that did a big difference. Maybe use this thread as a place to compare/help with graphic settings.My pc is 4690k i5 ...
Hello everyone, i've just ordered the Dk2 last week. I have an Asus rog750 i7 470012GB ramGTX 870mwindows 8.1Now i understand theres some issue with optimus laptop and DK2. I've read there are problems with DK2 only utilizing the integrated graphic c...
As seen on reddit.Check out the top left of this page, right beneath the navigation menu: https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-4:Unreal Engine 4 is now free for Oculus Development Kit Owners! Learn MoreCurrently that link leads to a 404...
Hello everyone,after one month with the DK2, I share my experience with you about the DK2 itself, the game and demo and the reaction of my friends trying it. This is some general ideas and feelings about my VR experience so far. Some points may have ...
Couple of new games, a bunch of updates! Enjoy everyone!New:JinkThe RPG RoomHorizons Mystery DrivingStoryteller - Fireside TalesAnother Millenium Falcon made in Unity 5A Night at the RoculusUpdates:Bubble InfernoViewPort VR Panoramic ExperienceDarkfi...
Does anyone get the message that there's no end to archive name when they try to download some of the games?
Anyone else experiencing this. After the update I can barely see more than a few meters in front of my avatar. When I walk into a cinema it looks like the lights are already off but they aren't.Any known fix?
Has anyone tried watching live TV on their oculus rift? Can you share the setup that has worked for you?
Wow just wow this is absolutely mind shattering, THIS this is the future of VR if any of you can get ahold of the hydra or the stem I HIGHLY RECOMMEND playing HL with this mod Its a completly different game entirely and can see major potential in fut...
Hello everyone, this is my first post here. My DK2 has just arrived and i've found out that my actual laptop hasn't the capabilities to run what i'm building with Unity. Basically is a matter of dual GPU and the impossibility of bypassing the HDMI ou...
Summary: Having players select items by looking at them is simple to code and works on all machines. Designers should provide visual feedback to indicate that you're supposed to look at items to select them, and require a button press to select the t...
Kickstarter is live!https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/543401688/about-face-virtual-reality-comfort-and-hygiene-sysOn the Reddit thread, Palmer said that it does not void your warranty:http://www.reddit.com/r/oculus/comments/2hjdch/the_about_face_v...
So going by the title does anyone know of anything that helps? Sorry if this has already been asked, I'm actually writing this whilst feeling the negative effects of the Oculus Rift haha.To give an understanding of my situation in my everyday life I ...
I have bought a Durovis knock off (chinese company called Davyci, im guessing its the same thing as Durovis VR headset), and i find the viewing experience to be much better than Google Cardboard (link here. http://blog.iteadstudio.com/whats-the-best-...
At the Oculus Connect Keynote Group Discussion, there was a question that analogously asked, "What could happen to let VR fail again?"And I asked that myself too. I live in Europe and for some reason privacy concerns is a hot topic there, legitimate ...
My order for DK2 is almost ready to ship once they deducts the rest of the payment, except having a second thought over negative feedback with DK2 being pixelled due to Pentile OLED and so on.If there are alternative HMD in the work, I feel Vrvana To...
Any chance you can tell us how many DK2's you guys have sold as of now?
Hey Guys Just got the dk2. Trying to set up on my PC. Have a gtx770 with 2 Monitors 1 vga, 1 dvi. Have the Oculus pluged in via hdmi. Swap mode to extend mode. Check screens and i can see all three. Put on oculus and the image of my desktop is sidewa...
Title says it all. I only have some crappy logitec mic/headphone phones. Looking for best option. Do i need "surround" headphones or will standard stereo ones be ok? Any thoughts would be appreciated!Thanks for your time! Tim
Wasn't really sure whether to post it here or in the "Reporting Issues" thread, although I don't believe this to be a problem with the Rift itself.Let me start by asking this: In the desk demo built into the configuration utility, do the objects on t...
Sadly I was not able to attend :roll: Are there no official videos anywhere of the speakers? I tried youtube but I can only find scattered videos by 3rd parties.
Hey, what's up guys?I found "something" on Kickstarter recently.AirVR - Virtual Reality for iOSAnd I started thinking about quality. Will there be a whole clone army on the market before we get the CV1?Will it hurt the perception of potential VR cons...
Would like to see some data on the lower end computers using VR. By lower end I mean mid-range gaming PC's because the standards are so much higher with VR. Post up your specs and performance please! Even if its just your graphics card, because that ...
http://postimg.org/gallery/34y668bk/Link to Gallery The new 900 series Maxwell GPUs from nVidia feature real-time global illumination. A lighting rendering method usually done by software on a cpu for professional 3d rendering. This is one of the mos...
At the next Boston Virtual Reality Meetup we're hosting JauntVR (www.jauntvr.com). Their camera system simultaneously records 3D stereoscopic video in all directions and has a unique design that can be flexibly configured. Coupled with their 3D sound...