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My Journey Through the Rift v2.0 (DK2 Edition)

My Journey Through the Rift (DK1 Impressions from Last Year in April)IntroductionIt's been over a year since I first was floored by the DK1. Last year in April rmclelland allowed me to come over and try out his DK1. He was in the FIRST batch, so only...

Tbone by Protege
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Choose your demos wisely

I don't have mine yet but was lucky enough to have a colleague bring his in. The first demo of walking around a kitchen was fine, but the carnival ride demo induced incredible nausea. I had to remove the DK2 after just a minute or two. It's an hour l...

treebolt by Honored Guest
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Too all those waiting impatiently

Just to give you a positive outlook on the fact that you may still be waiting for your DK2 to arrive. The device - It's great I've used mine for a many hours now and absolutely love the difference between DK1. That being said the SDK has many problem...

baloniman by Honored Guest
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DK2 Delivered - Still PROCESSING - UK

Hi Guys,This is to bring some hope to everyone still processing.I have just got my DK2 delivered by UPS! My order is still PROCESSING according to Oculus though and I did not have a shipping email either.Ordered: Mar 19 04:20 PM PDTTo: London, UKIt w...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Credit Card issues?

Has anyone else had any CC processing issues with the latest batch? I got an email from Oculus telling me that my card was declined, but a call to the credit card company said that the payment went through. I have already sent an email to support, bu...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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Bioshock Infiniti with DK2 + VorpX

I see lots of video's that people play Bioshock Infiniti with DK2 + VorpX.But when i start VorpX and play Bioshock it won't work.Also with Direct mode and Extended mode is it not working.

Urgent: Someone else has another Unity Pro Key?

Hi everyone.Unfortunately this is the second time i've to make this kind of thread hoping to some helps,but i have to.Anyone have a Unity Pro key? Maybe a key from the old DK1 that he never used since now? I need it to continue and finish the Alpha v...

Welby by Adventurer
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Problem with the DK2

Hi guys,so after a full day of work while knowing that the DK2 is at home I finally got home - and can't get it to work. The problem is, that my config tool loses my rift and the camera all the time. So I can see it with the serial number in the conf...

LikeMike by Honored Guest
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[Request] All UK DK2 purchasers PLEASE read

Dear all my Blighty brothers (and sisters),I am not doing this out of impatience, trust me, you can read all of my previous posts and find not one where I whine about updates or shipping.I am here to propose a fun little game. In order to take part y...

Simpanra by Honored Guest
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The way to truly combat blurred sides?

Like there should be a sensor on how far the eye lenses are from the screen.. so the software can tell how much the screen should bend (curve).. so when it hits the actual eye distance.. it should be sharp somehow?

AntDX316 by Honored Guest
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Oculus Rift DK2 Demo in London -Saturday 16th of August 2014

I am running an Oculus Rift DK2 event in London on Saturday the 16th of August 2014 at the Meltdown e-sports and gaming bar in London, the event will run from around 7:30pm til about 11:30pm. I will be demoing Elite Dangerous, the new Technolust Beta...

Chaoss by Expert Protege
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OculusVR walking a tightrope to success, with failure below

I hope this is motivation to any Oculus employee reading this. After vehemently consuming all info for the past year of people's thoughts and reactions to VR, Oculus, and the rift specifically it appears to me that Oculus is walking a walking a very ...

Stankiem by Honored Guest
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4 Monitors plus Rift?

How exactly does the Rift work in terms of Multi Monitor System?My Main System already has 4 Monitors ( 3x 2560x1600 / 1x 1920x1600 ) hooked up to a SLI System which uses one of the GPUs to connect a maximum of 4 Monitors to it.How would I connect a ...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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hey Cyber why is shipping taking so long?

hey Cyber why is shipping taking so long? what is the shipping process? what are the steps between the product being put together than arriving on our doorstep from oculus point of view?\maybe if people understand the process from your guys end it wi...

Rift up, No head smudges

Something simple but I have found that if you wear a bandanna while you play it helps with a few things. 1. It adds a little comfort2. Helps with the sweaty head during longer sessions3. Most important for me, when I have the optics real close and I'...

G'Day guys. New rifter here, a quick question.

I really dont want to do the whole "can my computer run" business. I was wondering if there is anywhere on the net where you can type in your computer specs to see if you can safely run the DK2?Thanks guys

How I got the DK2 to work with my Laptop

So like many of you, I was unable to use my DK2 with my laptop. After taking some time to really dive in and see what the problem was, I was able to figure out a way to get it working in Extended mode with Positional Tracking. Here are the exact step...

bilago by Honored Guest
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Motion Sickness wristband

Not sure if this has been mentioned I have yet to get sick from the rift even while trying, b...

any update on sdk change ?

getting my dk2 middle of next week.. wondering about the status of the sdk update.. ?

rog by Honored Guest
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any solution to cloning Rift display to monitor?

It is a huge pain when you are having someone test the Rift and cant tell what they are seeing. Is it working right? What are they looking at that makes them say "wow"? What if they go the wrong way?When I select clone display it screws everything up...

Questions regarding current shipping state

Hi all, it seems shipping this time round is going miles better than with the DK1. Congratulations to Oculus on that! From what I have seen the community manager has been diligent, which is great to see. To get a better understanding of the current s...

Fynnpire by Honored Guest
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Lay in bed and watch movies

Will it be possible to lay in bed and watch movies with the rift? So what I want to know, If you lay on your back looking at the ceiling in real life, will it be possible to look at a screen in a Rift app/Vr Cinema? or must the app be made with a opt...

EsEs by Honored Guest
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First batch order stuck on READY still...

after encountering a billing error two weeks ago and updating my payment to pypal the same day I have been waiting and it looks like I am set to miss this second batch as well. Anyone else in the same situation?

Oculus vs. Google Cardboard

Hi! Can someone please tell me what makes Oculus better than Google Cardboard Kit especially if its used with a Project Tango device (like this one

Testing VR Limits with a Raspberry Pi

Spoiler alert - this is with the DK1 and not DK2, but it can at least generate the images... (apparently relatively slowly)

What computer specs will you need to reach 75FPS in DevKit2?

I have read about needing 75FPS for games in the Rift. This I've heard is required to stop nausea and to allow you to turn on low persistence. But what computer specs will you need to reach 75FPS in the Rift? I think a lot of computers today struggle...

Fazz by Honored Visionary
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The "Just Shipped" Thread

Hi,In order to have an idea of the shipping advancement, I propose this thread with that rules:- Read all the responses before posting- You can post only if your DK2 (or the one from someone else) has been SHIPPED or RECEIVED (NO PENDING/READY/PROCES...

4t0m1k by Honored Guest
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What eye-glass prescription are the "B" lenses?

Does anybody know approximately what eye-glass prescription the "B" lenses for the DK2 are?I'm just curious because I am near-sighted (-2.00/-2.00 with slight astigmatism) and the "B" lenses work really good.

sofakng by Honored Guest
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