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Forum Posts

4 Kinds Of Rifts?

I was looking around in the Program Files (x86) Oculus Tools Resources directory and noticed there are four different Rift images for use in the Config Utility - DK1, DK2, RiftDKHD, and RiftGeneric.The first three are photos and RiftGeneric is the Ki...

Residential vs Commercial shipping address

Hello All, Earlier in the week I decided to change the shipping from my home address to work due to being terrified of something happening to my precious DK2 at my doorstep. Well now that my order is processing I noticed that I did not change the add...

lpaspalis by Honored Guest
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Demoing advice needed - epilepsy/seizure risk to children

Hello there I am currently awaiting my DK2 to arrive in the UK and I have contacted a local childrens hospice to volunteer a few days this summer demoing the rift to the children.I am a secondary school teacher so risk assessments/checks wont be an i...

Falan by Honored Guest
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Doom co-creator Romero skeptical of virtual reality “fad" echoed comments from Nintendo executives that have criticized VR as isolating and out of step with the trends in the wider gaming industry. "VR ...

New hope for "stuck in Processing"

Hi,Looks like someone on reddit that was stuck in "PROCESSING" received his DK2 out of the blue. And it still show as "Processing" after delivery. even p...

RayJay by Honored Guest
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foam smell

OK I know this is weird. I did post that after getting very sick with dk1 that just the smell of it made me run for the toilet. So... Does the dk2 foam smell the same? Haha!

rofl at google cardboard

Google to Oculus VR: "tada"

Paypal users not receiving tracking info? else who paid with paypal having this issue? I've seen reports of people who ordered after me by upwards of an hour plus, who live in states all around...

rift foam

Anyone have an good idé about foam cover ?I think its Better to cover it whit something and try cleaning it What you think or use ?

selkess by Honored Guest
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Got my DK2, Question for other users.

Had my DK2 earlier and have just got round to playing with it.Finding the jump up in Resolution is great compared to DK1 and small screen door effect hardly bothers me, i forget about it.One issue im having though is alot of bluring, it feels like im...

ajames123 by Honored Guest
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Positional Tracking Test - Youtube

Ran into this video on youtube (not mine) testing out the positional tracking on the DK2.Thought I'd share:

hpark828 by Honored Guest
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Looking for a case for my future DK2 :P

Not too sure which route I'm going with but I don't have the dk1 case to re useBeen looking at gun cases but the selection for that is very limited in Canada lol anyone come up with any good ideas? I found this but don't really know the dk2 dimension...

Changing a monitor's refresh rate

So this something i havent ever bothered to play with before and am wondering if there are any risks I shoudl be aware of.My monitors are runnign at 60HZ refresh rate.There was no standard option to set them to 75. Only 60 59 and 51 or something.I we...


Hello from Germany,my DK2 is not here (right now), but it is comming.What I have to do (first steps)?First of all, i have to install the oculus-runtime. Ihave to update the firmware.Do I have to deinstall anything?What is with the sdk 0.4.0? How do I...

1Sudo by Protege
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Will any more orders be processed this week?

I'm happy to see all the awesome impressions from people who have gotten their DK2s, but that makes the wait for mine all the more unbearable. It seems like that high influx of processing reports have come to a halt, and though I realize that earlier...

GrizzNKev by Honored Guest
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are they going to sell CV1 on store shelves?

one thing im not sure about is whether Oculus intend to sell their final products on regular stores (for PC hardware and the likes) like almost every other normal product? or not, does any body know :?: because now the only option for me to get a rif...

Ordered Dk2, best program for first try?

Just ordered a Dk2, it will probably be here mid - late september... What would be the best piece of software to try on it first? Ease of setup, graphically impressive..whatever. What would you recommend?

Dewm by Honored Guest
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Payment Failed, Won't go to processing

My payment failed for some reason, not sure why. I did not get the email from Oculus telling me to update the payment info because of the error in their system, and I used the same card when I "updated" the card information, and the payment went thro...

A New Rift User's Experience of the DK2 and Issues Found

I received my DK2 today and this was my first experience with any rift.I love the rift and I see great things for it in the future, and have been obsessively waiting for this DK to arrive. I nearly had a heart attack when the mailman delivered it una...

InteriorD by Honored Guest
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Thank you to Oculus and Cyver on a Great Launch!

As an owner of a dk1, and now awaiting my dk2, just wanted to say thank you to everyone at the Oculus team.The launch of DK2 has been improved by leaps and bounds from the original launch of the first DK1. I remember bitching and moaning about delive...

DK2 Tracking How to get it working with non-0.4 stuff

I installed in the Oculus Runtime. This installs a service called OVRService that seems to poll the headtracker and this looks like it blocks the older SDK (pre 0.4) from polling the device directly.So - two options here:A) kill the task - you need t...

Congratulations Oculus!!

Just wanted to congratulate Oculus for finally releasing DK2! You guys deserve a beer or something on this good friday! 

EarlGrey by Expert Protege
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GAS MAN! False alarm

Hahahaha the doorbell went and there was an old man with a bright yellow safety vest on, as everyones going crazy saying the DK's are on route I quickly snatched what I thought was a pen out of his hand and looked around his feet for the box. It was ...

Falan by Honored Guest
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Unity or UE4 for non programmer

For those who are not programmers like myself what engine do you guys recommend? I want to be able to do experiences. Senza Peso type stuff. I find Unity pretty good and they have a great community but the company itself turns me off. I've had some b...

Qix by Explorer
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