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Forum Posts

My FAKE DK2 parcel pickup notice! LOL!

I thought I got my DK2 delivery notice, turns out I got a SCAM parcel pickup notice! LOL! It had me going just for a few seconds before I started getting suspicious since there was no mail carrier listed! DAMN whoever sent this today!I did a quick go...

vrtrader by Honored Guest
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Rift Race Drivers... Start Your Electric Screwdrivers...

Hey guys - something you might be interested in for running the Rift with driving sims... guy did an amazing job. Very clever design.The pictures are b...

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 760 OC 4GB

Hey Guys, Does anyone have experience with this card. Im looking to use this for the Oculus Rift Dev Kit 2.Would it be powerful to give me decent to high graphics with current to upcoming share titles? Thoughts?I have seen a number of posts the the g...

spastro by Honored Guest
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Here Is A Cool Bit Of Kit - Hasbro MY3D Viewer

I hadn't seen this until yesterday but went ahead and ordered one for $8 on Amazon.It's a 3d viewer you just slip your phone into much like the Durovis Dive, Google Cardboard, etc. Quality looks pretty good for something so cheap and at least I'll no...

Durability of the Oculus Rift

Hello, My Oculus DK1 is gone ( May-2013 / Jun-2014), the screen doesn't turn on nevermore. :cry: Well this made i think in a question. For how many time the DK2 or the final version will work? :?: Best Regards. Neruvous.

Neruvous by Explorer
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Drivers for DK2?

So, what will happen if we try to run DK1 demos on the DK2? Will we have any software to test head tracking on?From what I can tell from the documentation, the SDK ver. 0.32 mentions the DK1 - will they release an updated version after the first batc...

Would G-Sync Help With VR Performance

Hi All,I've just been reading about G-Sync from NVidia. It seems to make everything much smoother even at a lower framerate. ie 45fps looks as good as 60fps.Could that help overcome some of the performance issues if the CV1 has a really high resoluti...

ZaineUK by Protege
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Which Ships 1st - Paid in Full PayPal or $50 Deposits?

Don't shoot me for asking this question, which my wife asked me today.Should the first DK2 units be shipped to those that paid their hundreds of dollars in-full with PayPal during the first couple of pre-order days, or to those that only made a $50 d...

Begging for feedback

I ordered a DK2 in the end of the second possible hour of ordering. I can and will wait as long as it takes, realistically the end of July is my best guess. The problem we have is the lack of feedback or information on the process. This too I underst...

KainMagus by Honored Guest
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Somebody please BAN this joker and cancel his order.

This really needs to stop. Anyway we can identify this seller and stop the initial order?

Oculus - beginner Mac help required!

Hi all,First of all, apologies for what may seem to many to be a very silly question - I'm relatively new to PC/Mac gaming.I'd like to know if there's any software out there that I can test on my Mac to establish whether or not it's up to the job of ...

Reddit Dudes Have Started A "Thank Oculus" Thread - PLEASE - no posts demanding updates on where the precious is ...If you have Reddit accounts, how about posting your own positive vibes...

DK2 lenses question

Does anyone know if Oculus VR released the diameter for the DK2's lenses? I'm getting new perscription glasses soon, and I'm looking to get a separate pair of lenses to sticky into my DK2 (and CV1 probably), to avoid having to wear glasses in the uni...

KisatoSP by Honored Guest
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Lucid : www.lucid.itLucid is an upcoming VR / Immersion Technology platform that will support Oculus, Leap Motion and other VR devices.

villmer by Honored Guest
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What's the scariest thing you could do in the Rift?

All these Isolation reviews have got me wondering just how far VR games and experiences will be able to push the terror bar. That said, I can't think of an experience more terrifying than, say, slowly crawling past a group of undead, knife-wielding, ...

racerx3 by Honored Guest
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Rifts on eBay

All fired up with righteous indignation from the previous post on the topic, I hit eBay in a quest for vigilante justice against the scalpers that might cost me one position in the queue. I found . . this.

fudspong by Explorer
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It's a point of personal pride that I don't pass judgment on others. If your activities are between you and other adults capable of giving informed consent, and won't affect non-participants, then good for you. I may not understand or share your feel...

fudspong by Explorer
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Apparently EA/Origin Credit Card system has been hacked...

This HAD to happen just a week before they start shipping.  Couple weeks back, I made a joking comment in a thread "they really should start charging payments before my credit card gets hacked again, as its happened almost every 90 days on the mark"...

Graphics Card Issues to be aware of

I think a thread with a list of potential issues to be aware of for quick reference might be handy as DK2s start arriving.If you know something about a specific card please share.I will start. nVidia GTX 580can only support 2 monitors at any given ti...

Who needs DK2 :-D

Hi folksHaving preordered DK2 in april so obvoiusly im not expecting to get it anytime soon. With that sad thought in my mind i was just aimlessly browsing the web when i came across amazing deal for DK1 and i snatched it straight away. Today for the...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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20Q with Technolust developer Blair

Hi RiftersWe hope the below will be a distraction for a few moments at least. Its our 20 Q with Technolust developer Blair a.k.a Anticleric us know your thoughts on his answers in th...

WhelanWeb by Honored Guest
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Want To See About Where This Silliness Began?

I know many have already seen this, but it's cool nonetheless. The link was posted on Reddit...Take a short trip back in time... (And see Cyber's old avatar...) - And unless I missed an earli...

Coder Decides He Wants Out Of VR

This is kind of interesting. A person in the biz decides he wants out. Not sure how indicative this is or how much weight to put in it, but it's a perspective and something to think about... imag...

Make Sure Your Email Address is Correct

As some of you may know, we are moving the forum to a new service in the near future. As we will be migrating the a users based on email address, if you address is incorrect, you may lose access to your account. Please click on your name on the top r...

Waking up to VR

Has anyone tried snoozing whilst in VR just to get the experience of waking up in a different world?Or putting the VR headset on someone asleep, and having them wake up in VR?

Arowx by Explorer
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