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Forum Posts

mouth tracking :D

With eye tracking ideally giving our avatar the proper eye gaze and a bunch of simple emotions (e.g. eyebrows up for amazement, down for sadness, alternated for confusion, converging for angriness, etc.), another camera placed under the HMD, pointing...

Crespo80 by Explorer
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Go Show: A movie theater

Go Show is a virtual cinema app by Sam Gebhardt. He launched a Kickstarter campaign 6 days ago. His goals:$20,000 or more: Oculus support: Yeay! With Go Shows streaming support and in theater movie selection, we can't wait to try it on the Oculus.

AlexiGVS by Explorer
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The VR-Team is here!

Cass Everitt as muscleman Mr. T.Lucky Palmer as crazy Murdock John Carmarck as flirt FenixMichel Abrash, as colonel Hannibal SmithAnd Mark Zuckerberg, as pretty Amanda Allen: If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them......

dinodinia by Honored Guest
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Rift Ring

Hopefully you won't all think this is too vulgar, but you know how when you spend too long sitting on the toilet you develop a red ring imprint on your lower cheeks from the toilet seat? I predict something similar will happen for obsessive users of ...

fudspong by Explorer
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Apple announce Metal a low level graphics api!

Could Apples low level Metal graphics api (Mantle anyone  ) open up the potential for VR via our smartphones/tablets?

Arowx by Explorer
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Who's working on a VR Pokemon Clone?

Hey Forum,Here lately I have been putting a lot of thought into "AR simulated in VR" mostly for my own amusement but specifically to elaborate on some of my ideas for Skyverse. Its one thing to say "I want a whole plethora of 'AR simulated in VR game...

cubytes by Protege
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Any Developers from Houston Area?

Hello, are any of you guys from the Houston area? I am looking for someone who has Oculus SDK experience to help with a project and I building a list for a VR meet-up group/mixer. Let me know!

Would you use the Oculus Rift (Or other VR) for this?

Hello everyone! I was going for a drive through a heavy storm the other day and it was wonderful. I love storms the smell, the feel of the air, the scenery and most of all the sounds. At the moment we're limited to sounds and visuals, but even so I w...

Madaras by Expert Protege
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Request for this simulation..

I've seen a lot of demos testing things like rollercoaster, elevator fall, etc. but I'd like to see this simulation:A spinning gravity wheel.I wonder if it can induce disorientation and feeling of being thrust backward.

EarlGrey by Expert Protege
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Just Need My DK2 (Pics Inside)

Hi All,Just need to get my DK2 to complete my setup. Cannot wait to play Elite Dangerous in VR. It is supposed to be amazing:

ZaineUK by Protege
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Dying in Virtual Reality Games

This is a duplicate post, I also posted this in the VR best practices section but I felt that as a general VR discussion this same topic could apply, also this section is a bit more active so there should be a bit more discussion here. Apologies if t...

RenderMan Becoming Free For Noncommercial Use & Evaluation

Just an FYI for anyone interested. It's only non-commercial use, but for those who wish to experiment and learn...Timing is set with a new version release at SIGGRAPH 2014 - August 10-14, 2014.Details: the up...

Movies and books that feature Virtual Reality

Having witnessed the first wave of VR back in the nineties there were some great inspiring books and movies around at that time. I have read most of the books by William Gibson (Cyberpunk genre). And the mo...

Darius by Honored Guest
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DDR game idea

with the position tracking comming.Has someone every think about a dance dance revolution game ?instead of moving our feet on the ground, we would moove our head on the music,Instead of seeing arrow, we could be "seein" 3D stuff comming on us, in ryt...

Tgaud by Honored Guest
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Do the TightVNC DFMirage drivers introduce latency?

Do the TightVNC recommended DFMirage display drivers introduce any significant latency? I haven't been able to tell A/B testing with myself, but I was wondering if anyone with a latency tester sees any major increases? I've tried with and without a V...

So what's the deal with bodies in first-person?

I've seen a lot of first-person rift demos and if they bother to add a body without fail there isn't really a head and looking down results in peering down the neck hole. In reality of course our eyes sit in sockets which are surrounded by flesh and ...

Gait de-profiling/haptics, face anti-recog/avatar makeup

I'm angry with the NSA so I spent about 60 seconds thinking about how to screw their s**t up. Came up with a concept for full-body VR haptics suits and quick-apply latex-like face masks. These would let you look and act like your avatar IRL. The hapt...

ganzuul by Honored Guest
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Dark Deception Kickstarter

Hey guys! For anyone interested, we just put our Kickstarter up today. We are hoping to get a little bit of funding so we can make Dark Deception an awesome VR horror experience :). Check it out and help us spread the news. Your support makes a big d...

vlivings by Honored Guest
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Replacement house

Many people I guess would like to live somewhere "nicer" than they actually do. Wouldn't it be nice when you get home from work to strap on the Rift as you walk in the door and find yourself living above your means?OK, I know there will be things tha...

fudspong by Explorer
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DK2 Shipping?

Is the DK2 shipping already? I seen on REDDIT that some have theres already, not sure if it is a select few or they are shipping all orders made in March.. Like mine.....Is there a shipping date spreadsheet like they did on the DK1 release? If so, pl...

The VR Uncanny Valley

What I want to explain is different from what we normally think of the "uncanny valley"**This is really pertinent only to VR.As long as we can clearly "feel" we are still in our room and just exploring a computer generated world, we are comfortable u...

Crespo80 by Explorer
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I see the new Cryengine is out on steam. $10 per subscription base. I am curious how it compares to UE4 and Unity. Has anyone played around with this before and what about Rift compatibility?

Map444 by Honored Guest
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True player gear shows totem vr (in french)

Hi guys, two weeks ago I noticed that on may 2nd true playear gear was planning to show the totem vr on a quebec channel, well nobody seems to care anymore, but after a brief search (it's weird that they almost aren't even trying to show their produc...

howyeman by Honored Guest
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Samsung VR headset to be announced this year I guess it was, "Let us know when you can move a million units... so we can make our own befo...

Did the DK1 come with a warranty?

So I have a bit of money burning a hole in my pocket this month and as I am awaiting the arrival of the DK2 I thought id have a look on ebay to see about possibly purchasing a DK1 on the cheap to play around with in the meantime and came upon this se...

opamp by Protege
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GTX780 and q6600 enough for DK2?

Hi, just a quick question,Do you guys think a q6600 @3.2ghz and a GTX780 be man enough to handle the Dk2?thanks,Marcus(ps, just preordered last week!)

MarcusGC by Honored Guest
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