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Forum Posts

Positional tracking via magnetometers as fall back?

Why not use traditional magnetometers for the backup positional tracking system when the DK2 is out of range of the camera? I know its not perfect, and prone to some lag, but its better to have that than the modeled neck thing going on like DK1.Ok we...

davidjc by Honored Guest
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IMPORTANT - Read Before Purchasing New Graphics Cards

Thinking of purchasing a new PC or graphics card for use in VR? It's important to read the following:Current dual GPU cards like the Geforce GTX 690, Radeon 7990 and linking two cards together through SLI or Crossfire configurations creates a conditi...

VR RTS Game: Flagship Looks Amazing :)

Hey Forum,I have recently discovered an interesting RTS game being developed with native VR support titled 'Flagship' via I specifically love how they are focusing on RTS gameplay first ...

cubytes by Protege
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Rift plane of focus

I was recently reading about subtitles for 3D movies (, and making sure that they are displayed at the current plane of focus, so the viewer does not have to refocus his or her eyes to rea...

lgrant by Honored Guest
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The Illusion of Motion

I had this article pop up in my Android development feed but it's a great explanation of the technical side of motion on film and how our eyes see it.Well worth a read if you want to know more about the reasons behind why we need low persistence and ...

Just canceled my subscription to elder scrolls online

Emailed Zenimax with this message and said in game chat ....SCREW YOU!..ZENIMAX ..LEAVE OCULUS ALONE..SUBSCRIPTION CANCELED ... :evil: I know the lost won't bankrupt them ....but I am totally behind you guys

madmick by Honored Guest
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I'm enthusiastic about the Rift but I'm getting disheartened

The reason is the lack of information about the CV, it's possibly specs or release date.There is a reason why any DK version for me isn't too interesting, it's simply that I don't want to purchase a "compromise VR kit" where I know that the consumer ...

flexy123 by Superstar
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VR Arcade Kickstarter

Before I complete the documentation on a new Kickstarter (KS) - I wanted to throw suggestions open to the Oculus community.Question - " you think a venue to play on top-line VR hardware in special franchised venues would be a good idea?" - Would...

kevinw729 by Honored Visionary
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Steam streaming + Rift?

Neat new feature, but I am not entirely sure I understand how this works. Does it mean that I can run a Steam game in VR mode on my beefy desktop and then plug my DK to my crappy laptop upstairs, and have a somewhat decent experience?Anyone tried yet...

raph81 by Honored Guest
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Oculus Rift Coming to Chuck E. Cheese's

"Kids today have unprecedented access to game consoles and tablets," said Roger Cardinale, president of CEC Entertainment. "Our challenge is to deliver an experience not available at home, and there is no doubt virtual reality does just that. Oculus ...

Discuss SVVR Here :)

Hey Forum,I don't see any threads for SVVR yet... so I figured I would create one. Feel free to discuss any and all SVVR related news, thoughts, details, updates and tidbits here. The Silicon Valley Virtual Reality Conference and Expo (SVVR) May 19-2...

cubytes by Protege
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Hello VR! There's a new kid on the Block

Hi there, My name is Anthony, a new member of the Community team at Leap Motion. As some of you may know, LM controller has been paired up with the Oculus in multiple projects. Im here on the forums and I have tons of awesome resources for you to get...

DK2 ergonomics concern

After just completing an extended session with our DK1, I've just realized that a large part of my personal discomfort when testing the Rift for more than 5-10 minutes comes from the generally uncomfortable form factor and weight of the device.Add to...

racerx3 by Honored Guest
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2k/4k a bad idea?

What do you guys think about 2k/4k displays with the Oculus Rift? As much as I'd love to see it happen, I'm kind of on the border with this idea for several reasons. One, being that the hardware demand is going to be way too high for the average cons...

WHDI - Best possible solution for wireless rift?

Why Oculus did not look at WHDI Technology - Range is beyond 100 feet (30 m), through walls, and latency is less than one millisecond !Practically having NO Latency is ideal for game platformp.s. It seems that AntVR is making it ... shame on you Ocul...

Davideus by Honored Guest
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Oculus Rift for Chickens! Emerging new market!

Here is a new market for Oculus Rift tech! Allowing caged chickens to feel like they are actually free range. Does this mean in the future you will have choice of reg chicken, free range chicken, and vr free range chicken? http://www.huffingtonpost.c...

Darcanis by Adventurer
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Toronto Based Filmmaker Looking For A Rift

Hi,My name is Elli Raynai and I'm a filmmaker based in Toronto, Canada. I'm very intrigued by the possibilities of making content for the rift and was looking to see if someone local had an extra rift they would be willing to rent/sell/share. I am op...

eraynai by Honored Guest
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Positional tracking concept : Laser measurement

Could indoor positional tracking be achieved by equipping a headset with laser rangefinders ?(Or maybe just one laser rangefinder and some laser orienting mechanics, if the requirement for too many integrated laser rangefinders is the main issue).

HiThere_ by Superstar
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oculus rift used to display 2d game?

Sorry if this post is in the wrong place but could some one tell me if there is a way to use the oculus rift just as 2d monitor? where when i put on the head-set all i see is a large rectangle monitor with normal 2d display surrounded by empty black ...

bcruz111 by Honored Guest
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Dead Pixels

Apologies if this has already been brought up.With both LCD and OLED technology being susceptible to dead pixels, I wonder how much of a concern this is for OVR in the future. The push for presence is one thing, but I'd imagine non functioning pixels...

Wow - Oculus headset camera - what will it give us?

You may have already heard. The latest article in WIRED magazine clearly states that the DK2 will have an additional camera attached to the HMD. The main reason must be recognising hand movements and perhaps even digitising the hands to appear in VR....

So excited for DK2!

Am I the only one who thinks about this next dev kit 10 times a day? I find myself google searching "Oculus Rift" on auto pilot, and checking the latest news. I feel like a kid before christmas... even more than when I was waiting for dk1, because no...

Rob1985 by Honored Guest
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wired article :front-facing camera

"But a front-facing camera might allow the Rift to someday track users’ gestures instead—like a Kinect, but more powerful." like strapping a LeapMotion onto the Rift  I was just wondering loosely on va...

jrbm by Honored Guest
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The present and future of BMI and haptics (Amazing talk!)

This talk, with the neuroscientist Miguel Nicolelis, who's building an exoskeleton to make paralysed people walk again, gives us a glimpse of where we are and where we're heading to in terms of avatar control and haptics in the near (and not-so-near)...

alejux by Honored Guest
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The Inside Story of Oculus Rift...’s because Oculus has found a way to make a headset that does more than just hang a big screen in front of your face. By combining stereoscopic 3-D, 360-degree visuals, and a wide field of view—along ...

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