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im so confuesed

Honored Guest

So a couple years ago maybe like 4 years ago?? I got this VR as a gift from someone for christmas, I was so excited to get it I immediatly started playing on it. 1 year or a couple months later i was logging into rec room or some other game not knowing it would creat a facebook account for me, ( i dont even have the app facebook because im not alloowed to have it,,) my aunt found out about the acount, told my mom, mom asked me, told her I have no clue, and mom deleted the account... I think..... but a couple years later i either had to update it or once i got back on it, it said i was logged out... My friend was over at my house and wanted to play on my VR bc she diesnt have one.. we got on and it didnt wkrk agin... the whole entire time we hanged out that day was just bc of my VR.. i did what the directions told me to do but ig i may have done it wrong?? idk but i thought if i leave my VR it would. magically be fixed.. i went to heslth center on this website but got nothing i just made an account for the meta website right know... i just find it a bit annoying but idk what to do know and i cant go to any other websites and cant even get to the home screen..
