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in6seconds's silly thread

Expert Protege
oculus doesn't care if you get the vive instead, its your loss, the vive is probably the same as the dk2
steam bought the dk1 and adjusted it to create the vive 😛

honestly people think just by saying "CANCELLING MY ORDER IM GETTING THE VIV INSTEED"
will make oculus lower their prices? no.
119 REPLIES 119

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One of the plus side to Oculus tracking is that it is base off light and the tracking is done at the camera level. That means inexpensive tracking at the feet, leg, body, arm, and hand tracking will come out later down the road for Oculus as the tech becomes more understood as well. It'll be a bit buggy at first, but as the camera tech becomes cheaper... the more they can keep adding more tracking as well.

Both will have the ability to pull you in more witch is nice 🙂

Not applicable
"maxpare79" wrote:

TBH if the VIVE doesn't sell well I doubt that we will see a V2 of the tech

I think they will try and focus on VR arcades and bespoke installations....

Room Scale VR is not for the Home imho...

Honored Guest
"Tim74UK" wrote:
"maxpare79" wrote:

TBH if the VIVE doesn't sell well I doubt that we will see a V2 of the tech

I think they will try and focus on VR arcades and bespoke installations....

Room Scale VR is not for the Home imho...

If the Vive doesn't sell well HTC might not even still be around with the way people have been talking about their financial problems.

Rising Star
OK, what's the point of changing the thread title? Can you be more bait-clicky?
Not a Rift fanboi. Not a Vive fanboi. I'm a VR fanboi. Get it straight.

Expert Protege
I doubt HTC will be gone as a company, they still have other products that people purchase(phones)

Not applicable
"in6seconds" wrote:
I doubt HTC will be gone as a company, they still have other products that people purchase(phones)

Except phones are one of the things they are bleeding on xD so... idk lol.

In6seconds stop changing your thread title in the middle of a topic...
I am a spacesim/flightsim/racesim enthusiast first 🙂 I9 9900k@5.0, 32gb RAM/ 2080ti Former DK2, Gear VR,CV1 and Rift S owner

"in6seconds" wrote:
I heard the vive controller has technical and battery issues, things are not looking good for the vive 😕 :lol: :roll:

I heard the Touch controllers had line of sight and battery issues as well. It is new technology and there will be some stumbles before everything works perfectly.

Was that really worth changing the thread title? Where is your source?
i7 5960X @ 3.8 GHz | Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB DDR4 PC2800 | GTX Titan X Pascal | Win 10 64 bit | Asus ROG PG348Q | EVGA X99 Classified

Expert Protege
"maxpare79" wrote:
In6seconds stop changing your thread title in the middle of a topic...

Fine, I know some people are having a hard time searching for the topic to see replies, I'll change it back

We probably will see another HMD with Valve software, but I wouldn't be surprised of HTC bailed. HTC just doesn't have enough at stake in the game if sales don't go their way. Who knows what they expect though.

I get the feeling their expectations are untealistic.