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in6seconds's silly thread

Expert Protege
oculus doesn't care if you get the vive instead, its your loss, the vive is probably the same as the dk2
steam bought the dk1 and adjusted it to create the vive 😛

honestly people think just by saying "CANCELLING MY ORDER IM GETTING THE VIV INSTEED"
will make oculus lower their prices? no.
119 REPLIES 119

Expert Protege
"willste" wrote:
We probably will see another HMD with Valve software, but I wouldn't be surprised of HTC bailed. HTC just doesn't have enough at stake in the game if sales don't go their way. Who knows what they expect though.

I get the feeling their expectations are untealistic.

the same could be said about the oculus we don't know how many people will cancel their order to go for the vive, if that happens the market as a whole could be majorly affected

Honored Guest
Look at this Comparison ... 016/41361/

Honored Guest
Hey, I'm new to this forum and i just thought i'd ask a few questions regarding the rift as you guys are expersts;
So i pretty much pre-ordered the rift the day of pre-order date and didn't really think twice about the price as i was completely set on purchasing the rift after trying on dk2, but after the huge backlash from everyone saying its too expensive and bla bla..
I'm kind of unsure about whether i've made the right decision in pre-ordering the oculus rift since the last week and a bit of pre-ordering the rift i've looked at many videos which compares vive vs rift, and though in the beginning i was set that oculus is superior but now several factors are making me think otherwise, and the main reason is that i'm not sure if the oculus can do the same thing as the vive, so here are my actual questions;

Does the oculus rift have the same immersion as the vive? By that i mean, the fact that you can actually move around in your virtual space using your feet and so on instead of being subjected to use a controller, especially after seeing the htc vive demos at ces 2016, where you could move in a room and interact with it as it tracks your entire body movement, not just your head movement or your hands, which is really the main reason why i would go for vive instead of oculus, but reading some of the posts where some of you claim that this is also possible on the oculus, well i would like clarification.


"in6seconds" wrote:
"willste" wrote:
We probably will see another HMD with Valve software, but I wouldn't be surprised of HTC bailed. HTC just doesn't have enough at stake in the game if sales don't go their way. Who knows what they expect though.

I get the feeling their expectations are untealistic.

the same could be said about the oculus we don't know how many people will cancel their order to go for the vive, if that happens the market as a whole could be majorly affected

Oculus has facebook backing and they are not looking to make money right away. Zuckerberg has a long term game in mind.

HTC has said in at least one interview that phones are out and they are looking to VR as their future. Given that HTC is having financial issues this simply sounds like they are more desperate for VR to do well quickly. When in reality VR is unlikely to be mainstream like phones for many years, maybe even close to a decade.

"tahsinuchiha" wrote:
Hey, I'm new to this forum and i just thought i'd ask a few questions regarding the rift as you guys are expersts;
So i pretty much pre-ordered the rift the day of pre-order date and didn't really think twice about the price as i was completely set on purchasing the rift after trying on dk2, but after the huge backlash from everyone saying its too expensive and bla bla..
I'm kind of unsure about whether i've made the right decision in pre-ordering the oculus rift since the last week and a bit of pre-ordering the rift i've looked at many videos which compares vive vs rift, and though in the beginning i was set that oculus is superior but now several factors are making me think otherwise, and the main reason is that i'm not sure if the oculus can do the same thing as the vive, so here are my actual questions;

Does the oculus rift have the same immersion as the vive? By that i mean, the fact that you can actually move around in your virtual space using your feet and so on instead of being subjected to use a controller, especially after seeing the htc vive demos at ces 2016, where you could move in a room and interact with it as it tracks your entire body movement, not just your head movement or your hands, which is really the main reason why i would go for vive instead of oculus, but reading some of the posts where some of you claim that this is also possible on the oculus, well i would like clarification.


Look at the review posted just before you post it does say a lot.

You are mistaken the vive isn't doing any sort of full body tracking, its just tracking the head and controllers (the same as rift).

You have to ask yourself is room scale realistic in your house (or other such living space), its great in tech demos but do you have room to do it and the rigging to stop you getting tangled in the cable (or a very helpful person)?

Past that if you want full body tracking, the rift will be there first, look at the size difference on the 2 headseats, that is due to the tracking technology (I won't go into comfort due to weight), now for the rift to do full body tracking we would need to mount small leds at different points on our bodies which could be done quite cheaply. Now to do that with Vive you will need to strap the sensors in the same places but they will all need a processing unit which I guess could be a seorate box and not so much bulk on each sensor, but either say it will cost more and not be as simple.

I am no going to say its the absolute wrong decision to get the vive over the oculus but overall the oculus is the better headset with the better software support, the vive does room scale better right now but that will be added to oculus if wanted but in reality is it feasible.

If you still aren't sure I would keep your rift pre-order open until you see the vive price as that is potentially going to be quite a lot more.
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Honored Guest
"Percy1983" wrote:
"tahsinuchiha" wrote:
Hey, I'm new to this forum and i just thought i'd ask a few questions regarding the rift as you guys are expersts;
So i pretty much pre-ordered the rift the day of pre-order date and didn't really think twice about the price as i was completely set on purchasing the rift after trying on dk2, but after the huge backlash from everyone saying its too expensive and bla bla..
I'm kind of unsure about whether i've made the right decision in pre-ordering the oculus rift since the last week and a bit of pre-ordering the rift i've looked at many videos which compares vive vs rift, and though in the beginning i was set that oculus is superior but now several factors are making me think otherwise, and the main reason is that i'm not sure if the oculus can do the same thing as the vive, so here are my actual questions;

Does the oculus rift have the same immersion as the vive? By that i mean, the fact that you can actually move around in your virtual space using your feet and so on instead of being subjected to use a controller, especially after seeing the htc vive demos at ces 2016, where you could move in a room and interact with it as it tracks your entire body movement, not just your head movement or your hands, which is really the main reason why i would go for vive instead of oculus, but reading some of the posts where some of you claim that this is also possible on the oculus, well i would like clarification.


Look at the review posted just before you post it does say a lot.

You are mistaken the vive isn't doing any sort of full body tracking, its just tracking the head and controllers (the same as rift).

You have to ask yourself is room scale realistic in your house (or other such living space), its great in tech demos but do you have room to do it and the rigging to stop you getting tangled in the cable (or a very helpful person)?

Past that if you want full body tracking, the rift will be there first, look at the size difference on the 2 headseats, that is due to the tracking technology (I won't go into comfort due to weight), now for the rift to do full body tracking we would need to mount small leds at different points on our bodies which could be done quite cheaply. Now to do that with Vive you will need to strap the sensors in the same places but they will all need a processing unit which I guess could be a seorate box and not so much bulk on each sensor, but either say it will cost more and not be as simple.

I am no going to say its the absolute wrong decision to get the vive over the oculus but overall the oculus is the better headset with the better software support, the vive does room scale better right now but that will be added to oculus if wanted but in reality is it feasible.

If you still aren't sure I would keep your rift pre-order open until you see the vive price as that is potentially going to be quite a lot more.

Yes, that is exactly what i am planning to do. 🙂 Keep my pre-order till I can judge it, thanks for clarifying for me! I do prefer the rift over vive for a lot of different reasons including the design!
I just mainly wanted to know the real significant differences apart from the front facing camera that's all.

Expert Protege
For people that are unsure, its simple, just keep your preorder and when you finally try the cv1, if you don't like it just sell for profit. its a win win.

A few things we know about the HTC Vive Pre :
- It's the best one at it's price range for a walking experience, which only matters if you have a big enough VR room for it.
- It's not necessarily going to have the best display compromise, and probably won't have the best 6D controllers.
- It's going to make the CV1 look as cheap as it is, and Palmer Luckey called the 700€ CV1 'Obscenely Cheap'.

Honored Guest
Oculus still not available for preorder for over 80% of the world and the estimated shipping is already on July. I am going with HTC in the hopes that I will get an HMD in the first half of the year... (although I think there is going to be another delay).

BTW Vive Pre is still just a developer kit. If they manage to get a better display with less screen door effect and the promised headphones in, HTC will be better than oculus in every way?

Not applicable
"3DeX" wrote:
Oculus still not available for preorder for over 80% of the world and the estimated shipping is already on July. I am going with HTC in the hopes that I will get an HMD in the first half of the year... (although I think there is going to be another delay).

BTW Vive Pre is still just a developer kit. If they manage to get a better display with less screen door effect and the promised headphones in, HTC will be better than oculus in every way?

Few problems with what you are saying:
1) HTC doesn't make their own screens. A good amount of their screens come from Samsung, but it still not confirm where they are getting their screen as of yet.

2) DK2 of Vive Pre just release. Even if they already have an idea on what they want and only have to make a few changes, they are still having to relay on the screen maker to actually have things ready. Any delays on the parts will hurt how many they can turn out. IF they are using the same screens as Oculus, they will have to wait in line as Oculus might have a deal where they are getting them first or at least the greater share of them.

3) Vive will also cost 70-80% more for only about 20% "better quality" as you say. The SDE is sill present in the Vive compare to the Oculus with the exception in FOV where the Vive appears to have a bit larger vertical field. The device is also 20% more heavier and that could cause some people neck to tire a lot sooner.

4) Oculus seems to have more titles and software line up (media support) for the Oculus vs the Vive so far as well. (Even though, most games will support both). For example, Xbox will support the Oculus while the Vive will only be supported on the PC.

5) Vive is going to have a more limited release than the Oculus. They even came out and said this. Along with a higher price tag, it might be VERY hard to get your hands on the first batch or even the following next batches if both/either or come to be true.

6) The controllers still seem to have issues ~

7) Room scales also have issues and might limit the sales as not many people will have enough room.

😎 No sound support ~ people will have to order headphones (even though most people have these) they might not have enough cord to support their movements.

9) Vive pre order will also be limited to a few section of the world. More so than the current Oculus release from my understanding.

10) Their tracking system COST way more than what is on the surface. Just to add an object to the world, that object has to have sensors and a way to report that information back to the computer either over wireless or wired bring up the cost of adding a object in pretty high.

11) Idk about HTC, but Vive end goal is to sell software. At the end of the day, they don't have to come out on top and sell more units than Oculus. A few here in there and to offer the future of what VR will have can result in a much better position for them in the long run as they get more people in trusted in VR and what it can do for them. They still have to make their money back, sure, but their end goal is to sell software. Oculus on the other hand HAS to make VR work and sell units other wise their whole VR company will fall a part and there will be no VR.

We're in a good position for VR now. We have a company that HAS to make it work and another company that can focuses on the future of VR. When you get something like this going... then sells go through the roof and that product comes out much much faster with a much much HIGHER over all quality. That's why I can at least say that Oculus in on the right foot to offer something that was at a higher quality over selling us something that was DK2 for example. I believe Lucky makes mistakes (just like anyone... you would make the same mistakes, trust me), but he tries and shows when he PERSONALY answers questions on Readit. Like, you don't really see Sony doing that.

Now, I wont say Vive doesn't have any good point either though:
1) Their tracking is SOO much better than Oculus. Not because it is Oculus fault, but because how optical tracking and light works for example. Lasers don't have the same problems and can over all be more accurate.

2) They are back by a big software company. Even more so than Facebook with a library of games that almost everyone plays. If they were to make Half Life 3 and time soon... that alone would sell Vive hardware like pancakes or ice cream in hot weather.

3) Room tracking is soo much cooler than just sitting there or a limited movement control. This is the one of the biggest selling points to a lot of people even me included here.