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just tried Elite Dangerous on my new 980

Honored Guest
Wow wow wow......... this is just incredible. Don't know how the difference is going to be when you had a 780 ti, but when you come from a gtx 760 like me (was waiting for this new series before I would upgrade), prepare to be swept from your feet...

Honored Guest
I upgraded from dual GTX660Ti's to a single 970 yesterday. Sold off the pair for $290 and got the 970 (EVGA ACX Superclocked) for $336 shipped, so the cost was slight. Went from an 8800 FireStrike score to 10,200. Not a huge jump, but dropping to a single card and shaving a few hundred watts of power was definitely worth it.

Here's the thing: Senza Peso now runs judder-free at max settings. I don't know if this is due to the higher performance of the card or the upgrade to HDMI 2.0. But here's the other thing: Some of my downloads now launch to a black screen. Marble Madness did this, but I hadn't tried launching it before so I'm not sure whether it would have worked with my old setup. ViewPort Architecture was running fine before, though, and now it is not. So I'll have some tinkering to do when I get home.

Honored Guest
"Blizado" wrote:
What i want to know:

1. How much better is the Latency? I read normally the Latency of the current Graphic Cards is on ~50ms, with 9x0 it should be near 50% lower.

2. How good works "Asynchronous Warp"? Should reduce Judder when the FPS gets too low.

For FPS there are enough Reviews out, but the VR Stuff is often not tested.

I bought 1 1/2 Month ago a GTX 780, so the Points above are for me more Interesting than FPS, also because I'm really sensitive for Motion Sickness.

P.S. I hope ED Beta2 get native DK2 Support.

What type of 780 did you buy 1.5 months ago? If it was an EVGA brand I wouldn't waste another second before going through their step-up program to swap it for a 980.

Honored Guest
"eepoole4" wrote:
What type of 780 did you buy 1.5 months ago? If it was an EVGA brand I wouldn't waste another second before going through their step-up program to swap it for a 980.

MSI Gaming.

Took delivery of two MSI 970s (unfortunately, I didn't get the Gaming Version, because they were out, and the model names are confusing) So I just have the 4GD5T. All the specs are the same (stock overclock and everything), it just looks like perhaps the Gaming is a little more friendly to further overclocking.

My CPU is a i5-3450, and doesn't run at 100%, so id definitely not a bottleneck, much to my excitement.
I have 8GB of RAM which seems to be plenty. It's running at 2400

Single 970:
At low detail smooth /almost/ everywhere. Some very slight judder in station. Different ship cockpits seem to have different levels of optimization. Also, I've found that when I load the game, or load a new ship, it's a bit slow, but after playing awhile it gets smoother. Anyway, with afterburner, I'm noting that my CPU is running about 70% evenly on all cores, and the single GPU is taxes at 100%. So, one 970 is about the minimum required for smooth gameplay, but still that's a HUGE improvement over my Radeon 6950, which was only managing about 35fps in dock, with the hauler.

I think engine optimizations and updates to the latest oculus SDK will made a big improvement.

Dual 970:
I found a hack online to enable SLI with Elite. It works! It's not... really super playable, but the performance gain is obvious. Planets are stripey, and there's a bunch of other texture issues, not to mention the latency (which is weirdly inconsistent) that comes from alternate frame rendering.

That said, Graphics settings high, both cards running about 70-80%, no judder. (jutter?). Still definitely a bit of room for some supersampling!

I am VERY excited for VR-Direct, particularly VR SLI
VRJam game: GravWing Racing! viewtopic.php?f=51&t=3480